Author Topic: DL32R Master Fader App - how to save and restore channel names, images, colour?  (Read 15733 times)


  • Youngling
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Again, thanks for the tips dpdan :)


  • Dapper Dan
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my pleasure :)


  • Initiate
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Hi Gord, Pete here.
 I wanted to share something that you and others may experience when storing shows or snapshots. In reply #10, Dan spoke of a  scenario where you forgot your iPad so you "pulled" the show from the DL32r to your keyboard players iPad. All good, show goes off without a hitch. Now, lets say you made a few adjustments to channel processing or other parameters that night. You decide you want to save those changes, so you store a new snapshot or you replace the current snapshot. Doing that however, results in something that might be confusing. Let me explain the scenario that creates the issue for me, then tie it to the situation above.
 I work for a musician/engineer/producer that for more than 20 years, has run a very successful cover band. We've had Mackie mixers in our live rig years, first a 1640 Onyx, then the DL1608, and now the DL32r (purchased the first day it was available). I'm responsible for maintaining the gear and prepping for shows. I do all the offline show setup in advance, and save the snapshots on "my" iPad. Once the P.A. is up, I load the offline show (show A, snapshot 1) I created onto the DL, making it the current show. I forget however, to change the "lock after xx amount of minutes" to never, and my iPad goes to sleep. 30 minutes later, my boss shows up and uses "his" iPad to fine tune the initial setup, then "replaces" the current snapshot of show A using his iPad. However, because my iPad was off line at the time, it did not update the snapshot changes.
 With both scenarios, the iPad that created the initial show and snapshot(iPad 1), is different than the iPad that the changes were saved on(iPad 2). Still with me? The next time iPad 1 connects to the DL is when the problem occurs. The "Show A snapshot 1" that is saved on iPad 1, is different than the "Show A snapshot 1" loaded on the DL. Rather than sync the changes, the software creates another version of "Show A" with all the changes intact. In the picture below, there are 3 versions of "Venice AFTA". The last show is the most recent. I spoke to Ben about it at NAMM. He said they know about it happening, but are still weighing the options on how to proceed.
 short story long, don't freak out if you open the show page and see 5 versions of the same show. Keep the last one and dump the rest.

A lazy man who finds the easiest way to do a job is no longer called a lazy man. He is called an "efficiency expert".


  • Dapper Dan
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  • Location: St. Louis Missouri
  • Posts: 679
Hi Peter,
good post!

I have often wondered if the snapshot that is last in the list indeed the newest version when there are more than  yuo remember creating.
It would be nice if we had a way to see details about the snapshot like when it was created or better when it was last modified would be even better.
Similar to the info that the show has.