Author Topic: DL32R Master Fader App - how to save and restore channel names, images, colour?  (Read 15728 times)


  • Youngling
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Looking to buy our DL32R this next week..
So I'm kicking the tires on Master Fader 3.0.1 on my iPad.
I named channel 1 to GordV (for Gord Vocals) and saved a backup to iTunes.  (Can't seem to restore from Dropbox? but that's another question)
As long as I don't quit the iPad app, all is fine. Soon as I do (force quit, power cycle or..) all the channel names I set up are gone.
They didn't restore from the iTunes backup either..

Am I missing something? A faq, or a page in the manual(s) I should read?
Or do I need the mixer in hand to do this?
I was hoping to get the mixer all set up before I even bought one.. (heh..)


  • Padawan
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You need to save all your settings to a snapshot before quitting the app. After restarting the app, simply recall the snapshot - all settings should be back!

When you are working online (connected to the mixer), the DL32 remembers all the current settings, but the app itself in offline mode doesn't; it just stores shows and snapshots.

Just something to remember when preparing a show offline on your iPad - ALWAYS SAVE TO SNAPSHOT!




  • Dapper Dan
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I would like to welcome you to the forum Gord, is it Gordy like in the movie Stand By Me :)
Anyway, I would like to offer my experience with the DL32R...

First, i Love It!

I just turned on my iPad with the DL32R powered OFF as if it didn't exist.
I created a show and named it......
then, in that show, I clicked  "Store Snapshot"

I then named the snapshot, then clicked on the snapshot and choose "Recall"

Then I completely shut down the iPad, restarted it, and opended Master Fader.
In the upper right-hand corner of Master Fader where the loaded show is displayed,
I clicked on it, and again clicked on the snapshot that I had just created and then choose "Recall"

The names, pics and colors were displayed properly.
Try this, and verify that it works, then save the show to iTunes and retrieve the show and see if the names, colors and pics are displayed.


« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 12:14:00 AM by dpdan »


  • Youngling
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Only my mom gets to call me Gordy (  :lol: )

I didn't do that "store snapshot" step, I will give it a try. Thanks for the tip!
I was hoping it was something simple. We've already sold our Line 6 m20d (we needed more monitor sends - we've gone In Ear Monitors and I want a stereo mix..)



  • Dapper Dan
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Gordy is a very cool name!

All I can say is you are gonna love the DL32R...

Dan'l Boone  :)

Here's a link to the video I made of me getting mine.


  • Youngling
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Got it working, thanks!

I get it, there are (at least) three things to save/restore:

One under system settings with the gear..
and individual snapshots in a show..

I guess the idea is you could change musicians in the middle of a show, so a new snapshot is needed.. ?

Looks like I better read the manual a bit more now that this step is taken to see what all is saved/restored in each spot..

Pretty slick so far..


  • Dapper Dan
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I am in a rehearsal but in a couple hours when I get back I will post some notes of things to make sure and do, and explain a few things in hopes of making things more clear about how this thing works.


  • Youngling
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A variation...
In our rehearsal space, there is no Internet access, so no cloud based iPad storage.
We will have a local Wifi hotspot to connect iPads to the DL32R.

Is there a way to save settings to the DL32R from one iPad, and restore them on another iPad?
IE I'm putting a lot of work into our configuration now, and will want to share it with the other band members at rehearsal, without having access to email, or Dropbox etc..


  • Pint #2
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If it's like the DL1608 you can save the current config to any of the iPads connected to the DL so when you have a setup just save it on each iPad before you change anything.


  • Youngling
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Ah, I guess they probably sync up live to the unit.. Including channel names, etc?
Thus we'll want to get the lockout feature going almost immediately..
One of the issues we had with the Line 6 m20d we just sold was that all the iPads could stomp on all the settings,
and it was too easy to get lost and stomp it out..


  • Dapper Dan
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Hi Gord,
I apologize for not coming back with some additional help last night.
The DL32R does not need an "internet" connection for the "Wii-Fi" connection, but it does need it's own wireless WiFi router.
I highly suggest an Apple Airport Express, I use one for my DL32R and another one for my Allen & Heath Qu24 and they work beautifully!

The DL32R will have it's own router connected with a CAT5 ethernet cable.
It is highly advised to lock the router with a password so that nobody can login to it,... thinking they are getting a free Wi-Fi connection to the internet.

Each show contains snapshots. I wish Mackie would have used the term "Scene" instead of snapshot. Oh well, right after you save a snapshot in a show, click on that snapshot and choose "recall"
This will update the small window in the upper right-hand corner of the Master Fader app, this allows us to know exactly what is loaded.

Speaking of snapshots, when you have a particular snapshot loaded (let's say Gord 020415) immediatley after the soundcheck, click on this snapshot and choose "replace", this will take all the current settings (EVERYTHING)
and replace the old settings that WERE in that snapshot. Alternatively, you could click on "Store Snapshot" and name it something like (Gord 020415 show) then you could go back to the Gord 020415 snapshot and rename it pre soundcheck. Personally, I have no use for a snapshot that has incorrect monitor levels, EQ etc. It's up to you how you want to store things though. The Master Fader shows and pictures are stored in the iPad, not the DL32R rack unit. Which brings us to the next point...

So now you have a show named Gord and some snapshots in that show, and you want to make sure that all the other musicians who are going to be using Master Fader or My Fader on an iPhone/iPod, all have the same show loaded. When they connect their i-device with the correct password to the dedicated Mackie DL32R router, they will be prompted with a screen on the app, like this...

They shoud always choose DL32R. This will cause their device to retrieve the loaded show from the DL32R (since it is loaded) and place it in that iPad.
NOTE: the DL32R can only have one show loaded at a time, and all i-devices must be using the same show.

Here is a bad example that hopefully you will never be in, but a way to prove that the DL32R does indeed have a show loaded in it.... but remember, the DL32R is not where all your shows are stored.

Example,, you get to your next gig and after loading in and setting up, you realize you left your only iPad at home.
When you turn everything on, the DL32R will boot up with all the settings that it had when you shut it down last... just like any anaolg mixer when you put the lid on.
As soon as one of the musicians that used an iPad on the last gig shows up, you can use his/hers to change things.

There is usually no need to "share" a show with someone that is on the gig because the DL32R will handle that for you. 

More to come   ... :)
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 11:15:44 PM by dpdan »


  • Pint #2
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Ah, I guess they probably sync up live to the unit.. Including channel names, etc?
Thus we'll want to get the lockout feature going almost immediately..
One of the issues we had with the Line 6 m20d we just sold was that all the iPads could stomp on all the settings,
and it was too easy to get lost and stomp it out..

Again if it is like the DL1608 you can lock any settings you don't want the muso to access but you have to do this on the iDevice in question (at this point I must say that I am still using MF2 so if MF3 has changed this somebody please correct me and I'll shut up). Many of us questioned this at the time, asking if it was reasonable to ask our bandmates to let us access and lock features on their personal iPhone but that is how it works(worked?).

Personally I trust my bandmates not to mess about and to be sufficiently competent not to bugger things up. When I'm the sound engineer I don't give the band the opportunity unless I know them well enough to trust them to behave..... :facepalm:
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 11:19:39 PM by sam.spoons »


  • Dapper Dan
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Hi Sam,
you are correct, and you should not "shut up"   :)
Helping others by sharing what we have already learned is part of the "meaning of life"

Just recently, I was on a job and the keyboardist had her own iPad, so I told her to go to the App Store and search for Mackie Master Fader and download it.
She did just that, and when it was finished downloading, I went to "Settings" and changed her Wi-Fi connection to my DL32R router and entered the password.
Once the password is entered on her iPad, she will never have to enter it again, and when she shows up on a gig and I am there with my DL32R already up and running,
her iPad will automatically choose my DL32R, unless of course she was using her iPhone as a Wi-Fi hotspot, then she WOULD have to change it.

Access Limits...
This screenshot indicates that I have not allowed her to change anything except her mix (mix 2)

This screenshot indicates that I have not allowed her to change anything except her mix (mix 2) BUT, now this screen is locked with a password that only I know,
this prevents her from changing my "access limit" settings when I'm not looking.... but she wouldn't anyway  8),

As Sam mentioned, he trusts his bandmates to not mess with things they shouldn't, and I am the same way, actually, I did not lock her iPad, but I did limit access to just her mix,
we all know how easy it is to accidentally swipe and be on someone else's mix. YIKES!  :eek:
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 02:16:41 AM by dpdan »


  • Youngling
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All excellent info. Awesome!
Totally making sense so far.

For a lark I found band photos and used them for the images on the vocal channels. Surprisingly, this looks like a good idea (initial reaction was "Cute, but whatever..")
Now that I've set it up that way on my iPad it totally works, very easy to spot who's mic you're playing with.

Do those images used on the channels get copied from iPad to iPad somehow in one of the various export files?


  • Dapper Dan
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any image that you use in a given show will show up instantly on all other "connected" devices.
If you click on the channel where the image is displayed, you can choose Camera, Photo Library, Icon
and "Show Images" which are all the images that are already in the show, in case you want to use an image on more than one channel.

If you export a show that contains pictures, they will be included in the saved show.
Slightly off topic,, I created an "event" in iPhoto on my Mac, then I connected my iPad to the computer via USB and iTunes,
I included this "DL32R pics" folder when I sync'd the iPad so they would be available images in the DL32R under the "Photo Library" list.

Since I got sidetracked...Mac computers have a cool feature that allows us to easily make screenshots of just a specific area of the screen,
by holding down shift/command/4 a crosshair appears and we can highlight just the area we want.

I opended Garageband and made some cool shots for instruments.
You can always Google various instrument "pics" and steal them  :)
Much easier on the eyes and way more cool than the included "Icon" pics that come with the Master Fader App
but those icons can save a lot of time when you don't have time to take pics.
I too thought these CUTESY pics were just a cute marketing ploy when the DL mixer came out,,, but they are really effective and make navigating the app faster.   


« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 02:24:16 AM by dpdan »