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First Gig with DL1608 - Pointers Anyone?

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--- Quote from: Wynnd on March 23, 2014, 02:03:00 PM ---If I never play Mustang Sally again[...]
--- End quote ---
I actually learned that just a month ago and Brown Eyed Girl last fall so I have a ways to go before I'm sick of them ;) . I've historically played only with female singers and stopped playing for 25 years back in the early 80's so never played "classic rock" until recently - it was all new back then LOL.

I played classic rock when they were still on Billboard's top 100 charts.  There is an advantage to not having played them too much already, but I'm betting you don't go 2 years without getting tired of them.  (Especially true if you play them every single gig and play out quite a bit.)

When we last left our errant old farts rock band, we were learning that our gig was cancelled...  Since then, things have become even more... um, interesting...

On the positive side, the venue called us back in a couple of days and offered to reschedule, which was nice.  Then I had the devils own time getting my bandmates to agree on a date.  That finally got done and we confirmed the new date. So at this point things seemed pretty cool.

Alas, that proved to be a false sense of security.  At our next rehearsal, our drummer announces that he's going to go in for major orthopedic surgery to have his (really awful) ankles rebuilt.  We all recognized his difficulties and were supportive.  Then, he tells us he's going to have the surgery before the gig and will be unable to play for the next 6 to 12 months.  Oh....

We've managed to find a sub (a great player) for the gig, but he's made it abundantly clear that he will only play this one gig.  I gave him our set lists and some reference recordings last Friday and he nailed the first two sets at rehearsal on Wednesday, getting all of our arrangements right.  Like I said, he's good.  He plays a high end Roland e-drum kit so volume is easily managed.

So, we're set for the gig, but also facing the challenge of finding another drummer who will fit into this admittedly odd situation.  Sigh...

A question for anybody still reading - I originally planned to leave the sub home given the volume limitations for this gig, but I'm now wondering if that's wise.  Thoughts?



With an acoustic kit you could have probably left it home but with the e-drums I'd say you should bring it, if only to put the kick through it. 

Sanchi you could leave the sub at home but then what will you do about drums? Not using drums could help with the volume. (Let's see who get this)

In regards to a subwoofer I would bring it. Subs don't make things louder, turning up the volume does. Adding a sub can make the overall sound better. Whenever I have a new gig I always bring a sub. (Except strictly acoustic gigs) I get a warmer all around tone. Once the gig is secured I might not bring a sub if I don't think I really need it.


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