Author Topic: getting good volume and avoiding feedback - tips?  (Read 1216 times)


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getting good volume and avoiding feedback - tips?
« on: September 19, 2021, 03:22:17 PM »
Hi -

I"ve had my dl 1608 for a few years, but use my profx12 for most gigs.  The 1608 is for bigger gigs, functions where i need multiple monitor mixes.

I have much better luck with the fx12 in terms of getting more volume before feedback and being able to get rid of feedback when it happens.  I'm not a pro soundman, but have been doing sound for my bands for longer than I'd care to admit.

It also seems that the 1608 sound is thinner(?)  'wispier' than when using the fx12.  I do try to eq the channels and the main mix, but not getting quite the results I"m hoping for.  I think the sound out front is good, but the sound on stage isn't where I want it most of the time.    I have watched several tutorials on how to fight feedback/ use eq's etc

This is likely a case of needing a higher level of skill to use a more complicated tool, but I'm trying to decide if I can make this work or if I'm better off getting an analog board that has the ability to do 2 or 3 separate monitor mixes.  with the fx12, I can pretty much set and forget, but the 1608 seems to need more attention during the gig.

Have others found that the digital mixer sound is not as 'strong' as the analog mixer?

Any tips/comments would be much appreciated!

Thank you!