Other Digital Mixers > Behringer X-Air

MR18 if you can believe it!

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Yes the link is to the Midas website. Hoax anyone. Wouldn't be the first time for Music Group, remember the X16? Another marketing test? Really Uli!

Keyboard Magic:
Does look a litle strikingly familiar! Hmm!  ???

From the info provided the only change would be the Midas Pro preamps and loss of Hi-Z's. Not enough for the use it's being put to. Now if they added 1Gb Ethernet and Dante it would be another story. Loose that WiFi in the process I wouldn't miss it. Oh yeah that would be the Midas touch along with a decent manual.

Looks like a new low for Midas, but they are for real!
Wonder how long it will take for distribution to get these?

Well that didn't last long Sweetwater removed the web-page but Facebook still has info that they existed.
$349 for the MR12 and $899 for the MR18.
Sound like a well organized campaign!  ;D

Keyboard Magic:

The iPad app they depict looks a bit different than the X AIR iPad app. If it's a real representation, it actually looks a little nicer IMHO.  :)


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