Unofficial Mackie User Forums > DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers

Who's gone from a DL1608 to a DL32R (or even an X32 rack)

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I've had a very good run out of my 1608 but I am contemplating stepping up to a bigger mixer.

Mackie are offering $300 cash back on DL32R at the moment so I am tempted but can't quite go through with it.

The lack of any improvement to the reverb and delay is probably the main drawback.

The Behringer X32 rack is the obvious alternative - much better effects but I don't like its app (though admittedly I haven't spent much time with it). The Mackie app seems far superior and that is critical when you don't have physical faders.

Anybody had good or bad experiences in stepping up from the 1608.


Same here. Had a great run with my 1608. Still have it. Stepped up to 32R early this year. No regrets!

Recallable/digital gains are are a huge advance. Rack mount is much better format. Personally I have no problem with the verbs. However, with all the extra channels and returns, why not just rack mount a nice one in the rack with the 32R (if you are like me you still have 2 or 3 in that huge rack that you don't use anymore). Multi-track recording/playback is very nice too.  Again, no regrets going to 32R.


G'day Fluddman,
Since your major concern is the UI I have found little real difference in both other than the fact that you have far more features to deal with in the X32. I certainly wouldn't call it much superior, simpler maybe. Yes there are more things to learn on the X32. I would however concern myself with the fact that there are no wired control connections at this time for the DL32. If your gigs are out in the bush no worries. I have the X32 full console not the rack which of course is a different experience, the DL1608 and a XR18 are tablet based. I rarely use the tab for the X32 it's studio use. From what you stated the rack is probably your best choice and can be scaled from the 16 to 40 channels. There are also more options such as wired in-ears, physical fader controls and speaker controls for their newer speakers. Also a lot more control surface options. More channels of course eliminates the DL1608 or the XR series in your case. You could also wait til MF4.0 arrives and see what it brings to the table.
No worries

I just started looking around, with expansion in mind. I still love my DL1608 though, and plan to continue to use it. I'm running Classic with an iPad 2. I'm getting and iPad Air 2 this winter, to prepare for the 3.x software upgrade.

As for which mixer, right now it will be the DL32. I'm not impressed with what I'm seeing on the Behringer side of things. The X32 rack has only 16 xlr inputs (requires a stage box expansion for more). I also agree that their iPad app looks clumsy - I need to spend some time playing with it but not liking what I'm seeing. All I've heard about the X-Air stuff is the iPad app is terrible.

Soundcraft might be coming out with a Ui 24 (which might have 20 xlr inputs, and hopefully 8 aux outputs). The iPad app looks good from what I've seen online. This is one to watch for IMO.

Again, I know little about all these mixers and might very well change my opinion. I sure hope Mackie improves the reverb - that's the only thing making me want to look elsewhere.

I had already invested in A&H gear before I sold my DL but replaced it directly with an A&H Qu-Pac with great success.
It's rock solid and has benefitted from numerous firmware updates since my purchase.
The iPad software has gone from clunky to pretty damn good over it's continued evolution.
Many killer features but one to really think about - easy, user friendly full control via the front panel should you leave your iPad at home (it's happened! :-[) or be in some wifi hell zone.
A very solid, reliable, expandable system - well worth a look:)


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