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Crack-up of the day

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I am just in awe of how quickly HC went "Lord of the Flies"


--- Quote from: rorylawford on April 17, 2010, 06:47:27 PM ---I am just in awe of how quickly HC went "Lord of the Flies"

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I'm actually more amazed at the number of people that are still clicking their heels together expecting to be magically transported back to "Kansas" :o.


--- Quote from: RoadRanger on April 17, 2010, 06:57:23 PM ---I'm actually more amazed at the number of people that are still clicking their heels together expecting to be magically transported back to "Kansas" :o.

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I did have on my best pair of ruby red slippers and tried doing that for awhile but alas it did not work.


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