Author Topic: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video  (Read 202327 times)


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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #75 on: February 05, 2015, 07:47:20 AM »
"Onwards and upwards." In spending money on a also ran product at this time. If I were to upgrade to a Air 2 I would have spend the same as my full X32 without tablet. Not really a choice unless you need a faster iPad for other things that will pay for it. ;)
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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #76 on: February 05, 2015, 02:52:45 PM »
If you really hate the Mackie products, you ought to find a different forum to hang out on.  If you really love the Behringer products, there are appropriate forums for that too.  Now if you generally find the Mackie products good for what you need and you have some ideas of how to help improve it?  We want and need you here.   I for one, don't want to learn about any other digital mixers.  (Pretty sure I'm done purchasing mixers.  Can't do this forever.   I feel the same way about keyboards.  I'm done buying them and don't have any interest in reading about the latest and greatest of those either.) 


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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #77 on: February 05, 2015, 04:26:38 PM »
Hey Wyndd don't go shooing WK away he's probably the most interesting poster on this forum. Nothing wrong about reminding Mackie of their shortcomings, it is a useful function of the forum. Comments on rival mixers should be seen as relevant as well (even B*****ger ones!)


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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #78 on: February 05, 2015, 04:48:55 PM »
Before anyone labels the DL as an "also ran" it's worth considering:
1. It was the first of it's genre. (obviously not the first wirelessly controllable mixer but you know what I mean!)
2. It's main (would be) competitor (x16/x18) still hasn't hit the showrooms yet. (And) The X18 is not a quantum leap ahead given the two years plus of catch up time it's had.
3. It's still an evolving product, significantly improved since it's launch.
4. Still very useable for 99.9999% people.
5. Look at what you get for your USD, it's pretty cheap.
6. An "also ran" in a race with what exactly???

That's just my opinion peeps ;)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 04:51:52 PM by robbocurry »
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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #79 on: February 05, 2015, 05:30:33 PM »
The X18 is not a quantum leap ahead given the two years plus of catch up time it's had.
I'd not say "quantum leap" but at least 4.0 ;) :

Recallable/remoteable preamp trims.
Multichannel record.
4 pro quality FX slots with a carpload of options.
"Squeeze" mode that puts all 16 channels on one iPad screen.
You can re-order the channels.
Android, PC/Mac, and (yes) iPad apps.
Integrated wireless.
Internal power supply.

Then again, "quantum leap" isn't that far off. OTOH it lacks a hardware connection to the iPad and is still vaporware :P . No groups either, but the implementation of DCA's is way cool  8) .

The DL32R shares the same WTF FX but if they added the routing capabilities of the DL32R to the DL1608 and added a couple internal aux buses to be used for recording (so you don't have to burn your physical ones) we'd be a step up from the X-Air's. The X-Air's seem to not have matices either, might as well copy those over from the DL32R too :) ,


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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #80 on: February 05, 2015, 06:26:47 PM »
If you really hate the Mackie products, you ought to find a different forum to hang out on.  If you really love the Behringer products, there are appropriate forums for that too.  Now if you generally find the Mackie products good for what you need and you have some ideas of how to help improve it?  We want and need you here.   I for one, don't want to learn about any other digital mixers.  (Pretty sure I'm done purchasing mixers.  Can't do this forever.   I feel the same way about keyboards.  I'm done buying them and don't have any interest in reading about the latest and greatest of those either.)
Wynnd why do I have to keep reminding you and all the other Johnny come late-lees that the reason for this forums existence was because MACKIE dumped theirs with ALL their Customers and Products. That's reality whether you want to accept it or not. Please don't try to tell me  what my opinion about a product or Mackie should be. If you don't want to be informed of other products that may do the same job possibly better then don't read about it. I'm sure there are people out there that do want something other than marketing hype or read Fannboy mail.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 06:31:14 PM by WK154 »
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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #81 on: February 05, 2015, 07:28:57 PM »
If you really hate the Mackie products, you ought to find a different forum to hang out on.  If you really love the Behringer products, there are appropriate forums for that too.  Now if you generally find the Mackie products good for what you need and you have some ideas of how to help improve it?  We want and need you here.   I for one, don't want to learn about any other digital mixers.  (Pretty sure I'm done purchasing mixers.  Can't do this forever.   I feel the same way about keyboards.  I'm done buying them and don't have any interest in reading about the latest and greatest of those either.)
Wynnd why do I have to keep reminding you and all the other Johnny come late-lees that the reason for this forums existence was because MACKIE dumped theirs with ALL their Customers and Products. That's reality whether you want to accept it or not. Please don't try to tell me  what my opinion about a product or Mackie should be. If you don't want to be informed of other products that may do the same job possibly better then don't read about it. I'm sure there are people out there that do want something other than marketing hype or read Fannboy mail.
I'm also sure that "there are people out there" who would appreciate a slightly less negative bias against the seemingly inoffensive DL series and Mackie?
As you chaps say "Peace out Bro" and all that ;)
« Last Edit: February 05, 2015, 07:31:03 PM by robbocurry »
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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #82 on: February 05, 2015, 07:33:00 PM »
RR, can I become a moderator? ;D
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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #83 on: February 05, 2015, 11:58:47 PM »
RR, can I become a moderator? ;D
What we need here is another Mackie mouthpiece. What BenO isn't official enough??
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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #84 on: February 06, 2015, 08:24:34 AM »
RR, can I become a moderator? ;D
What we need here is another Mackie mouthpiece. What BenO isn't official enough??

Chill pill required WK,
I don't for a minute think RR is going to grant my request, nor do I really have the time to take up the position as a moderator.
I have one piece of Mackie equipment in 30 years of musicianship, so I'd hardly class myself as a "fanboy Mackie mouthpiece".
You know BenO is hardly a regular poster here so it's not like we're overrun with corporate interference.

I just like to see fairness and you seem to take it way beyond that at almost every opportunity.
You definitely have an axe to grind with Mackie and it casts a dark cloud over this forum and any useful info you contribute.

On the whole, I think the DL series of mixers are pretty inoffensive to most owners.
People here are mostly looking for hints and tips to enhance their ownership.
No one wants their purchase to be rubbed in their faces by you at almost every opportunity.
Do you care at all about other people's sensibilities?

If you're unhappy with your DL that's fine, you are most likely in the minority in that respect.
You probably don't use it.
You obviously don't like it.
Why don't you just sell your DL and be done with it and this forum?

Using this forum as a platform for your grievances against Mackie is a waste of time.
I doubt they are listening. If they are, I doubt they care.
Every business has dissatisfied customers who will never be appeased, they probably have you down as that.
No matter what they do or say you won't be happy so they ignore you.
That is probably frustrating for you but I don't think this is the place for you to get your revenge.

If you want to punish Mackie don't buy their products again.
If you want to punish Mackie customers, keep doing what you are doing.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 11:25:50 AM by robbocurry »
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Kev tyler

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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #85 on: February 06, 2015, 09:04:57 AM »
I think this is a well run and well informed forum,  and I get a lot of useful info from here, I am criticized for my suggestions and for not actually owning a Dl mixer,  even though  I don't rule out purchasing one or working with bands who own one, i just take The nasty blows on the chin, as I class the slurs and requests to have me removed as a flattering display of jealousy,

As the man said, just  peace out, you are not forced to read wkds posts or mine for that matter.

Have a great weekend everyone and thanks to the forum owner for having us.

« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 09:06:42 AM by Kev tyler »


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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #86 on: February 06, 2015, 10:08:07 AM »
Maybe you've been unwilling to take the plunge because some of the very negative comments turned you off to the product.  No one is forcing you to take the plunge, but you might want to keep better track as to where the negativity is coming from.  There really aren't that many people who spend their time on this website trying to drive readers here to different products.  (Are they getting paid to do that?  Or do they just have a stupid problem with Mackie?)   I would hardly be considered a Mackie Fan-boy.  Only ever owned two of their products.  A CFX-12 mixer that Aux 1 died on and the DL1608.  My experience with the DL has been quite good.  I came here from a MixWiz that is still running perfectly for a country band in Colorado Springs.  (Bought new in 2008)  Outside of the global phantom power, there isn't anything that I don't like about the DL's design.  I would have liked to have the entire second bank of inputs to be the 1/4 XLR inputs.  Sometimes 4 of them just doesn't seem enough.  I don't use reverb much, so that isn't much of a problem.  (And yes, I like the delay better.)  I would have been fine if the MF 3.x upgrade had only included the groups.  I like groups as I had gotten used to them on the CFX-12 and missed them on the MixWiz.  And I don't have any interest in going back to MF2.1.1.   I like the improvements and don't have any personal complaints about the execution.   I am waiting for My Fader 3.x, but it's coming soon.  (Can't wait for the screaming that it's not perfect coming for those whiney few.)   I do wish they would rename it something like Personal Fader 3.x  Then abbreviations like MF and PF could be used and make sense to everyone. 


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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #87 on: February 06, 2015, 06:48:39 PM »
Wow a reality check on DL cost generated all this, really. Robbo we are talking about a piece of equipment here not something you're married to. It's a piece of equipment that is supposed to do the job it's advertised to do. This is not a social forum with focus on people and their sensibilities, something you seem to have trouble separating. Mackie has a place for that at Facebook. It's a social forum as designed by it's founders that Mackie uses as a thinly veiled advertising platform. I deal direct with any grievances and other issues but certainly not thru this forum. Yes, I have opinions thru my own experiences with the product and I don't need your permission to express them here. My focus is on features and product design something I have some experience in and I also track their customer service by other peoples complaints on the product. These are factors informed people use to make buy decisions. Mackie is quite capable of "punishing" it's customers all by themselves they don't need my help. Their track record painfully points that out. When someone asks about a product usage and I feel I can intelligently contribute I do. I don't tell other people what their opinions should be. I do try to keep this forum on subject so it can serve as a useful resource for those that are looking to buy or need an answer to a relevant issue without having to wade thru a pile of social soapbox posts. You need to chill out.
When in doubt KISS


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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #88 on: February 06, 2015, 09:16:14 PM »
Wow a reality check on DL cost generated all this, really. Robbo we are talking about a piece of equipment here not something you're married to. It's a piece of equipment that is supposed to do the job it's advertised to do. This is not a social forum with focus on people and their sensibilities, something you seem to have trouble separating. Mackie has a place for that at Facebook. It's a social forum as designed by it's founders that Mackie uses as a thinly veiled advertising platform. I deal direct with any grievances and other issues but certainly not thru this forum. Yes, I have opinions thru my own experiences with the product and I don't need your permission to express them here. My focus is on features and product design something I have some experience in and I also track their customer service by other peoples complaints on the product. These are factors informed people use to make buy decisions. Mackie is quite capable of "punishing" it's customers all by themselves they don't need my help. Their track record painfully points that out. When someone asks about a product usage and I feel I can intelligently contribute I do. I don't tell other people what their opinions should be. I do try to keep this forum on subject so it can serve as a useful resource for those that are looking to buy or need an answer to a relevant issue without having to wade thru a pile of social soapbox posts. You need to chill out.
With respect WK,
I don't want to deny you your opinion, my apologies if it seems that way.
That being said, please don't call me a fanboy or mouthpiece when I express mine ;)

(Cue sad music)
I'm just asking for a bit of consideration for the people who like their DLs.
People who have worked and saved hard to buy one, only for you to tell them it's rubbish and kick sand in their faces.
That's where sensibilities kick in. You have other mixers, you have better gear. They're "stuck", why make them feel bad?
What are you gaining? That's my only gripe with you, I only ask you consider these people before you type.
(End music)

I'm not sure your delivery is helping your cause if you really want improvement or to get Mackie's attention.
Which brings to mind a quote used by my Father in law:
"You'll catch more bees with honey than you will with shite"
That is to say: (sometimes)
"You'll have more success by being nice than by not being nice"
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 09:23:05 PM by robbocurry »
The older I get, the better I was!

Kev tyler

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Re: X18 X18R X16R X12R Details & Video
« Reply #89 on: February 07, 2015, 09:01:19 AM »
Hi guys

A few things have put me off taking the plunge, the white noise, the previous pricing and the issues of handshaking master fader and so on when you minimize it to use your playback app etc.

Now that Dl is close to 500 euros, I will probably jump in soon, I don't care about all the bells and whistles of future mackie releases or the bels and whistles with jelly and custard on top of ultra cheap berry products, I have gotten by the last thirty years with a basic desk and external and now internal fx, eq with a sweep on the mid and that's it, that's all I needed then and in reality all anyone solo or in a band playing for 300 people a night will ever need, the mackie Dl is perfect now and will be in the next ten years when I hope to pack in.

Have a great weekend everyone,
