Author Topic: DL32R Setup question: Can one feed a prefader copy of a submix to an aux out?  (Read 5703 times)


  • Youngling
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Working on our initial setup. Just got ours last night. Nice so far (yes the verbs are weak, bummer, but most live gigs I'd rather have negative verb to soak up the room natural verb, so I'm not too bent out of shape..)

Our setup:
5 pc pop rock band,
5 separate stereo  monitor mixes for in ear monitors (yes! lots of auxes to do this.. nice! This is why we switched from the Line 6 m20d)

I've created 3 stereo subgroups: Vocals, Instruments, Drums
and routed those to the mains. So far so good.

Now I'm setting up monitor mixes on the plentiful aux channels.

It would be awesome to get a Prefader copy of each subgroup and route that to each band member's monitor mix!
Doesn't look possible, even with the matrix feature as far as I can tell..

Looks like each stereo aux has to be mixed without the subgroup feature, which is mildly annoying, but not a big deal. It would have been great though to make it simple for each band member to be able to tweak their own monitor vocal mix up and down with just a couple faders..

Any thoughts?

Will the "my fader" app help simplify the mixing for the band members?


  • Master
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Each AUX output can be setup as prefader.  Just don't expect to run them from the groups.   Sounds like you're planning on running the IEMs in stereo.  (That seems unnecessary.)  Make sure that instead of LR you have the AUX channel you want to use up.  Example - Where LR normally shows up in white, Aux1 will show up in red instead.  Then all 32 channels are available to run to that IEM and you can specify pre or post fader for the entire AUX channel.  (Sorry you can't have both on a single Aux channel.)  Being that you are using IEMs, prefader isn't critical.  (Like it is for open monitors to help control feedback.)   


  • Youngling
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With in ears, a mono mix is very flat and lifeless. A very negative change from the live sound with floor monitors.
We bought the DL32R because it had more than enough aux sends to do full stereo mixes for all five of us band members.

I already set the sends to prefader for the aux feeds. I don't want front of house changes mucking with everyone's carefully adjusted and stored monitor mix.
To us it is very critical.

My original question was whether or not a prefader copy of a submix can be sent to the aux outs.
Sounds like you don't think that feature is there either.


  • Master
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If I understand you, you want to be able to set one monitor mix, copy it and send it to another monitor output.  Don't think it's that easy.  Can't think of ever doing that with my DL1608 in the last 18 months.  Don't think it's possible, but you might suggest it for a future App upgrade.  (Different thread.)   I think the ipad has the muscle to handle it if programmed for that. 


  • Master
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You might be able to do a little bit of it.  Create some user presets to give you the base configuration you want.  I've done a few and would like to make some that involved more than a few portions of a channel.  (It's pretty limited.)  I really would love to have a copy channel A to channel B option.  Sounds like you want the same thing with the Aux channels.  Really would be a nice  option.  And if there isn't enough app programming capabilities to handle this, maybe have a setup app to handle making a snapshot prior to a show.


  • Youngling
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No, not really what I was after..
In short, submixes are handy on the main L and R outs; it sure would be nice to use submixes on the aux outs for the same reason.
I know, modern problems heh!
I want to send a copy of the submixes to the monitors.

IE for the mains now, I have a nice tidy setup: Once we balance up the submix parts (5 vocalists in one sub, the instruments in another submix, and the drums in a third) then the front of house mix only needs to tweak three faders: Vocals, Instruments, Drums (OK, master and effects as well)..

It would be nice to have the same feature for each of the monitor mixes. IE one fader for instruments, one for drums, one for vocals,
and then I would add my own stuff on top of those three faders to make it a little easier to hear my own guitar and voice a bit above the whole band mix.

I can do it without the submixes, I just have to mess with up to 20 channels per aux monitor send.


  • Youngling
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A "copy one set of settings to another fader" would be a very nice feature, especially when setting up at first.


  • Padawan
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I think what you mean is: "can I use subgroups in a monitor mix"? Unfortunately, the answer is: no! Subgroups can only be routed to LR out or Matrix outs.

If you want to use ONLY subgroups for your monitor mix (no "more me"), you could use a matrix out instead of an aux out, but: Matrix does not receive individual channels, only LR, aux and subgroups.

So in short: no subgroups in monitor mixes - these are for FOH / matrix only.




  • Knight
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Yes you can : setup a matrix , ad the sub mixes , set up an aux per mix with the more me mix And feed it to the matrix
If in doubt ask


  • Youngling
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Ah, and then use that matrix out as the monitor output?

Interesting, I suppose that could work.. ish..

I think that:
The submix levels would vary with the adjustments to front of house (assuming the submixes are also sent to front of house)..
There's only 6 matrix outputs, and 5 band members hoping for stereo monitor mixes..

Interesting idea though...