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HC 2.0 going away (for now) !!!!!!!!!!

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Anderton sez:

Please see the new announcement. There is more news to come, but the bottom line is everyone at HC has decided that 2.0 is broken and cannot continue like this.
I'm not at liberty to say much more right now, but suffice it to say that it isn't only users who share the sentiments in the thread title...



All of Harmony Central, including the highest levels of management, have assessed the situation with HC 2.0.

Everyone is in agreement that the site is broken and that the sentiments  of the community are largely valid. Frankly, we are as disappointed as you are.

We assure you that the current situation will not continue. A  contingency plan that responds directly to the requests of the community is almost  complete, and will be put into place as soon as humanly possible.

Please stay tuned for further developments. We appreciate your patience  during this extremely trying period. You will very soon have the Harmony  Central you have come to expect.


Your Harmony Central Team

More from Anderton (Apr 15, 2010 9:27 PM):

What's being planned will be explained as soon as we can. There are still many details to be worked out and we don't want to give more details until they're nailed down. Unfortunately HC 1.0 remains a nightmare in terms of support. It's still problematic and if we have to return to it, then that brings up additional negative issues. But nothing is off the table, from a total rollback, to taking the entire site down, to removing all ads if that's what's causing pages to hang, to splitting off the forums, to many other options...unfortunately there are no perfect solutions. Each option has to be evaluated as to impact, feasibility, and ability to satisfy the community's needs.
What I can say is that every option is being evaluated primarily on the community feedback. Any other considerations (expense, timing, etc.) are secondary.
This is going to be a very difficult 24 hours, but we hope we'll have something at the end of that time period that we all can live with until we can find a permanent solution. Please don't speculate as to what we'll be doing, we're still in the data collection stage and that data will sort of make the decision for us.
You're right, I am doing everything I can to get this fixed but so is everybody else. What's not clear yet is what exact form that fix will take, but as I said, at this point nothing is off the table.

If that's for real, then fucking right on!  :thu:

Edit.  OMG that video is hilarious.  Hee hee.   ;D

Good for us...but a total humiliation for HC, though.
Maybe they'll be able to right the ship.

Latest is they will shut down for an hour or so at 11PM PDT. They ain't telling us what they are doing to "fix" HC but I guess we can hope for the best?


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