Live Performance & Production > Backstage

Let me be the first-----

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Music Stands: Yes (mine's an iPad Mini running OnSong, and it's also the control for our mixer)
Shorts Onstage: Generally, no, but there are exceptions, like "pool party" gigs.
Classic Rock: Absolutely!
Lights: Someone else will have to bring them. My car's already overflowing with the PA and my keyboards.
Subs: Whumpa-thumpa! Gotta have 'em!
Hawaiian Shirts: Are cool!
Sandals: Only with black socks. Seriously, no open-toed shoes on stage. There's too much stuff up there to hurt your feet on. Steel-toed boots are a better bet.

Music, if your reading your not paying attention to your audience
Shorts....only in summer if you got the legs for it
Classic rock...maybe, different meanings to people. To me classic rock is Motown era. To my kid its creed
Lights....not unless your paid enough to make it worth the investment
Subs.....yes when the room calls for them. Powerful but easy to haul is my thinking
Hawaiian shirts...only at hawaiian gigs, luaus, or jimmy Buffett tribute bands
Sandals....summer only and not with socks
iPads......better than music stands and cool if your running a mackie DL


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