Author Topic: master fader navigation  (Read 2470 times)

troy mcclure

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master fader navigation
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:49:44 PM »
I did a search but could not find a good flow chart on how I know how to get to certain screens.
It always seems to me that when I need to get to a certain screen fast during a gig, I always wind up somewhere else.  I have tried repeatedly to get on the Aux page where it shows all the channels going into a particular aux and most times I wind up on a page with the 6 master volumes for the Auxes.  Every once in a while I will land where I need to be but don't know how I got there.  If I need to mix an Aux in a pinch, I hit single channel and scroll through channel by channel to mix...def the long way.

Thanks for any help....


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Re: master fader navigation
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2015, 12:32:09 AM »
I did a search but could not find a good flow chart on how I know how to get to certain screens.
It always seems to me that when I need to get to a certain screen fast during a gig, I always wind up somewhere else.  I have tried repeatedly to get on the Aux page where it shows all the channels going into a particular aux and most times I wind up on a page with the 6 master volumes for the Auxes.  Every once in a while I will land where I need to be but don't know how I got there.  If I need to mix an Aux in a pinch, I hit single channel and scroll through channel by channel to mix...def the long way.

Thanks for any help....

To get to the actual Aux mixes, tap the big "LR" label at about the middle of the right edge, and a menu for all the busses will pop up. Then, tap the Aux bus you want to mix. The label will change to the bus you're working with. To get back to the main mix, tap the bus label, and choose LR. Hopefully, that makes sense...
Geren W. Mortensen, Jr.
Westminster, Maryland, USA

Sir Krang

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Re: master fader navigation
« Reply #2 on: March 18, 2015, 10:48:48 AM »
G'day Troy.
I picked up my iPad mini and tried to follow your post by clicking on the stuff you mentioned but am ultimately none the wiser as far as answering your "question"

In fact I find the general navigation of MF3 so simple it has not required any further investigation of the user manual other than a Google search to educate me on the VCA functions (I'd never heard of VCA 's before)

All other MF3 functions have been simply intuitive.

Having said that, I have a BIG man cave that I use my PA as a "home stereo"
All 5000 watts of it.

So I get to use my DL in realtime everyday. I get to try out EVERY feature of the DL and hear what it does.
As far as I'm concerned this is the only real way to learn first hand what the DL, or any other live mixing equipment has to offer.

I honestly can't help you with your particular query because I'm not there with you side by side.

I helped myself learn as much as I possibly could by trying stuff in real time.

I suggest the same to you Troy  :)


  • Knight
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Re: master fader navigation
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2015, 07:07:10 PM »
@ Troy

Anoyher way to the aux on fader view is :
go to the overview screen (top left ),
press the coloured part of the aux you want , it now jumps to aux master single view
press the mix view button (top left ) and you are there 😄

If you press the lower un coloured part of the aux in overview you can see you aux mix instead of the main mix
If in doubt ask