Other Digital Mixers > Behringer X-Air

iPad User Interface Design


About time something was said about that horrible interface design for the iPad. The top portion (detail info area) looks like it was programmed by a colorblind coder. Even the Midas version suxs. Gray scale or in case of Midas an additional blue doesn't come close to an intelligent use of color. Color is used to convey information a proven fact. So if you look at all the Music group apps in iTunes(App Store) you will find a stark contrast with most of their other apps in the use of color. Simply put the current app looks unfinished. Robert L. on the other forum claims that this version was a complete rewrite, I disagree.

It appears that a move to layers is underway unfortunately right now it's not readily accessible from the main page (drop down selection menu). There is plenty of real estate available above the main fader to display layer selections especially since it remains thru many screens.

I quite like the XR app - I prefer it to the MR app.  And certainly better than the X32/M32 app.  Mixing Station is the best though - expect for the lack of pictures of the FX units' front panels.


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