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DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / Re: Considering change from DL32r to X32 Rack
« Last post by James91104 on December 21, 2024, 01:14:44 AM »
Suggest to try Mixing Station on DL mixers. Get acquainted, deep dive if inclined, thus able to move to X/M if needed.  X/M 1/4" quasi-balanced outputs are 6db lower, fully assignable. Behringer SD8 is an affordable and useful I/O expansion. IMO MasterFader is still the most pleasurable manufacture UI. IME Mixing Station is far and away superior to any and all. Work/leisure life changing. Still enjoying an occasional gig with DL1608 & Mixing Station, with full & FASTER mix control via iPhone SE. Wings are shipping. Bit steeper learning curve than X/M. DLs and X/Ms may be equally dated, however not to be discounted or discarded as long as operational. MS provides a bit of Zest at the least, pure excitement of possibilities at best. YMMV.
DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / Re: Considering change from DL32r to X32 Rack
« Last post by Weogo on December 05, 2024, 03:46:27 PM »
I've heard good things about the Wing mixers.
Is the Wing Rack actually shipping?  One online source says 2~3 months...

DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / Re: Considering change from DL32r to X32 Rack
« Last post by Yorgaki1 on December 05, 2024, 01:51:31 AM »
Berhinger also just released the Wing Rack which looks interesting.
DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / Re: Considering change from DL32r to X32 Rack
« Last post by Weogo on November 20, 2024, 11:43:59 PM »
Hi Rick,

Two local venues are still using DL32Rs, and I have one.

Can the 1/4" outputs on the X32Rack be assigned to monitor mixes?

I think learning another digital mixer can be useful, and expands what you are comfortable using with other systems.
I've been on various Allen and Heath, Behringer, Presonus, QSC, Roland, Soundcraft and Yamaha mixers.
The Mackie app is the fastest and easiest I've used.
That said, the Behr app works ok.

Thanks and good health,  Weogo
DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / Re: Dante card required?
« Last post by iceknif3 on August 26, 2024, 01:37:01 AM »
Yes, a Dante card is required for any audio to pass to/from DC16. Could you make it work just for control without a Dante card, maybe? Mackie runs MANDOLIN (the control protocol) over the Dante primary (if you’re running redundant) interface, so I suppose it’s possible that without a Dante card you could connect Dante primary (A) or WiFi control port on DC16 to the Wi-Fi control port or your wifi router just for control. Not sure though, and I can’t tear my system apart to test that theory right now sadly.
DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / Considering change from DL32r to X32 Rack
« Last post by Rick Scofield on August 19, 2024, 11:39:04 PM »
I mostly run sound for my cover band, rarely exceed 16 inputs but use 9 monitor mixes regularly.

With Mackie DL32r having been discontinued and no real expansion possibility for that line, I’m seriously considering using Behringer X32 Rack. 

My biggest hurdle will be learning the X32 software.  Mackie Master Fader really is the simplest to use and I’ve had over 10 years use between DL1608 and DL32r.

Anyone have tips or suggestions if you’ve been down a similar path?

DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / Re: Dante card required?
« Last post by cigame on July 08, 2024, 06:20:55 AM »
You may as well connect via ethernet cable if you use a router with multiple outputs.
DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / glad the forum is still here!
« Last post by Weogo on June 10, 2024, 01:28:37 PM »

I appreciate having this forum still available!

Thanks and good health,  Weogo
The Mackie Forums Refugee Camp / Re: These forums are going away
« Last post by Weogo on June 10, 2024, 02:30:52 AM »
Hi Folks,

I'm still using a DL16S and three DL32Rs.

Recently had the DL16S not connect, did a reset and all is well.

A local venue switched a DL32R to an A&H.  Another system to learn.
Mackie is still much better visually, and for me, faster and easier(partly from familiarity).
Also, in some ways more functional.

Thanks for keeping this forum going.

Good health,  Weogo
DL1608/DL806/DL32R/ProDX Mixers / Finding a case for DC16
« Last post by iceknif3 on June 10, 2024, 12:15:00 AM »
Hey all,
I’m attempting to find a case for my DC16, but coming up dry everywhere I look. Does anyone know where I could find a flight case (either the official Mackie one, or a 3rd party)?
Thanks in advance. :)
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