I'm doing a large conference in a 9000 seat arena. The show started this morning, and all morning, both of my iPads kept losing connection for about 10 seconds, the reconnecting and resyncing. It happened about every 60 seconds. It was driving me nuts. So I spent my lunch trying to figure it out. And I succeeded.
I went into the Airport Utility app and was looking at my network. I use an Airport Express at the mixer, with an Airport Extreme at FOH to extend the range. The app showed the following 2 error messages on the Airport Express (I'm paraphrasing):
- "I can't see the internet"
- "I can't find any DNS servers"
Of course, I don't have the routers connected to the internet, so I would expect these messages. So, on both errors, I selected the option "Ignore this message". I then went back into MF4, and voila, no more disconnects. I had to do this on both iPads, but all is well now. I'm guessing that the Airport Express was looking for the internet once every 60 seconds, and this was causing the disconnect.