the red and blue squares to the left of the Spectrograph can be moved up and down to raise or lower the threshold (point at which red color takes over) and blue can also be moved to raise or lower the threshold... moving these red and blue squares has no effect whatsoever on the sound. These are movable so that really soft and really loud signals can be viewed with a sensitivity that pleases you.
in other words, if you are dealing with a very quiet signal, the blue square will need to be raised considerably, then adjust the red accordingly. All I can say is experiment with it,, that's what I did.
the brighter the color shows the root pitch over time. Obviously, you do NOT want to raise and lower a bunch of bands in the EQ just because some are red.
This is just a visual tool that is now incorporated into Master Fader, never let volume meters, spectrographs or EQs tell you what sounds correct. ONLY use your ears for that, then use one of these tools to verify what your ears are hearing and make adjustments only when necessary, when all else fails turn everything down a little.