Author Topic: DL1608 with Ipad 2 and Ipad 6  (Read 2383 times)


  • Youngling
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DL1608 with Ipad 2 and Ipad 6
« on: August 25, 2020, 01:53:56 PM »
Good day folks.

I have just purchased a second hand (but brand spanking NEW to me) Mackie DL1608 that came docked with an Ipad 2 (Model: A1396) with a 30 pin connector. So please excuse the noob questions.
I have an Ipad 6 (Model A1893) that I got for a Ui24. I have been reading the comments and trying to figure out what to do.

The Ipad 2 will only support MF 4.6.2 because of IOS 9.3.5.
I have loaded MF 5.1 on the Ipad 6. (I have not yet connected the Ipad 6 via Wi-fi to the DL1608.

Will the DL1608 update firmware if I connect it to the Ipad 6 (via Wi-fi), and will I then loose functionality on the Ipad 2?

What are the differences between MF 4.6.2 and 5.1.1?
Is it better to replace the 30pin connector with a lightning connector and use the Ipad 6, or should I stick with the Ipad 2?

Thanking you in advance
« Last Edit: August 26, 2020, 06:38:36 AM by JpBez »


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Re: DL1608 with Ipad 2 and Ipad 6
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2020, 11:49:50 AM »
Not much choice if you want to use both ipads, you'll have to use V.4. I'd leave the ipad2 docked and use the other via wifi. If you buy an Apple 30pin to lightning adapter you can dock OK via that. Can't comment on V.5 as I'm in the same situation, V.4 works fine for me...


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Re: DL1608 with Ipad 2 and Ipad 6
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2020, 03:46:57 PM »
Welcome JpBez. Like pytchley I would stay with MF 4.6.2 unless you need Android or PC connectivity. Both versions have their problems and workarounds. Search forum for these from main page. Yes MF will update the firmware and you will loose iPad 2 use but you can revert back to older versions if they are on Apples's site see MF manual for instructions. Which version would work for you only you can answer. There may be a must have in MF5.1.1 that warrants loosing use of one iPad and recording/playback functionality unless you upgrade to the lightning connector and still loose the iPad 2 use.
When in doubt KISS


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Re: DL1608 with Ipad 2 and Ipad 6
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2020, 04:24:26 PM »
Good day folks.

I have just purchased a second hand (but brand spanking NEW to me) Mackie DL1608 that came docked with an Ipad 2 (Model: A1396) with a 30 pin connector. So please excuse the noob questions.
I have an Ipad 6 (Model A1893) that I got for a Ui24. I have been reading the comments and trying to figure out what to do.

The Ipad 2 will only support MF 4.6.2 because of IOS 9.3.5.
I have loaded MF 5.1 on the Ipad 6. (I have not yet connected the Ipad 6 via Wi-fi to the DL1608.

Will the DL1608 update firmware if I connect it to the Ipad 6 (via Wi-fi), and will I then loose functionality on the Ipad 2?

What are the differences between MF 4.6.2 and 5.1.1?
Is it better to replace the 30pin connector with a lightning connector and use the Ipad 6, or should I stick with the Ipad 2?

Thanking you in advance

I have a similar setup, running 4.6.2. I leave my old iPad 2 docked in the DL, and use my new iPad's to control the system wirelessly. For me it's a perfect arrangement, and if I forget to bring my iPad I'll always have one on hand. I don't really need any of the new upgrades, so really not a problem. I recently picked up the lightening connector for mt DL, in case I want to upgrade in the future. Get the kit now BTW, as it's been discontinued. The DL software is very "laggy" one an iPad 2, so it's only there as a backup. YMMV


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Re: DL1608 with Ipad 2 and Ipad 6
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2020, 10:39:28 PM »
I am in consensus with all of the previous reply posts. Would be the most practical approach to start with a docked iPad2 MF4, with ability to record/play, though albeit a bit sluggish UI due to the old pad hardware, but can compensate with the comparatively lightning fast response of the remote newer iPad 6.
IME the primary impetus for running MF5.1 on the original DL series would be for the ability to break free of the iOS/Apple hardware choice constraints, and therefore the array and possibilities of UI hardware choice is vastly increased. Though to date I have not connected/updated my DL1608 with MF5.1, I have installed it on a Dell XPS 18" Win10 1080P touchscreen tablet as a proof of concept. Demo mode appears to operate without issue, well the increased screen area is impressive and luxurious. Eventually I expect to have a crack at installing FW MF5.1.


  • Youngling
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Re: DL1608 with Ipad 2 and Ipad 6
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2020, 05:07:20 AM »
Thank you all for the replies.

I have noticed that the old iPad is very sluggish.
I think I will then keep the old iPad docked and control with the new from "afar"

Being in South Africa, many of the overseas suppliers (including B&H) don't ship here. Any advice where to look for the lightning adaptor as well as the iPad lock?

Again, thank you for taking the time to answer the questions that have probably been asked a million times before.