Hey everyone,
Had I noticed this thread, I probably wouldn't have written my own script. But, for what it's worth, here's my own attempt at a solution for Linux / Unix / MacOS users. Like rhollinshead, I opted for a bash script wrapped around sox, but added some useful features to change the output based on my various needs.
https://gitlab.com/deixismou/utility-scripts/-/blob/master/bin/mackie-batchIt has the following features:
1. output to single multi-channel file OR split into multiple files for each channel
2. can optionally identify and prune empty channels from your output (no more USB routing on the DL32R before the gig!! just record all 32 channels and be done with it).
3. You can manually set the ratio threshold for pruning empty tracks (if say your tracks are fairly quiet).
4. You can choose your output directory, but the default works
5. The tracks are automatically named according to your session folder name
6. It has reasonably good error handling, so it shouldn't mangle anything (although it will probably break your toaster, sleep with your wife and shave your cat... no warranties)
Here are some usage examples:
# To see all options and help text, use the -h flag
$ mackie-batch -h
# In the same directory as your .wav files
# By default (no arguments), you get one .w64 file for each channel in a directory called SESSION_FILES
$ mackie-batch
# From some other directory
# Output is the same as above
$ mackie-batch path/to/your/files
# To prune empty channels, use the -p flag
$ mackie-batch -p
# To output to a single multi-channel .w64 file, use the -m flag
$ mackie-batch -p -m
If you find it useful, great. Feel free to hit me up on gitlab.com if you find a bug or have any improvements you want to contribute.