Author Topic: DL32R multitrack recording: Data throughput on Dante vs. USB  (Read 3576 times)


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We are about to upgrade from the DL1608 to the DL32R for a six-piece dance cover band.  We are also preparing to integrate an automated light show that will sync to our backing tracks.  The tracks and light show will be run on a MacBook Pro with a 2.5 GHz Intel Core i7 and 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM.  I am concerned that running the light show, sending tracks to the DL32R, and recording multiple (likely sixteen) tracks all across USB will cause latency.  Can anyone tell me whether I should be concerned about this?  My current options are:
  • Run everything on USB and hope that the data throughput is sufficient;
  • Buy the Dante expansion card for the DL32R and route the audio through the Dante network, reserving USB for the light controller only;
  • Use an external D/A converter to send the tracks to analog inputs on the DL32R, and use the USB DRIVE port on the DL32R to record multitrack to an external HD

The last option is my least favorite, but it seems to be the only one that would allow me to connect an external drive directly to the DL32R, as apparently both USB ports on the mixer can not be used simultaneously.  My preferred option is the first one: to connect the laptop to the DL32R via USB and pipe all audio through the USB, provided it can handle the data. 

Any insight is appreciated!  Also, any info on Dante vs. USB would be great too. 



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Re: DL32R multitrack recording: Data throughput on Dante vs. USB
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2016, 04:14:55 AM »
People are reporting recording direct to external hard drive is working fine. (Not directly to the computer.)  The tracks are interweaved and you will probably want to read the posts on that for moving the recordings to a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation.)  I would use a stereo to 1/4 inch from the laptop for backing tracks into a pair of channels. Most music stores will carry that cable.  The way I understand is that your laptop won't hook up to the DL32R through the usb port.  I'm guessing that the light show will either be controlled directly from the computer or a light organ.  (Your computer will have 2 open USB ports available.)   If you need it coming from the audio in the mixer, use a spare Aux Channel for it.  With a six piece band, you won't need more than 7 aux channels for monitors and there are 10.  I'm squeezing my six piece band into a DL1608.  Only using 3 mics for the drums.  (You only need the mic heavy drum setups when feedback is an issue.  Not my situation.)   Have fun and remember to run everything through its paces to make sure you're getting what you want and expect before a gig!


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Re: DL32R multitrack recording: Data throughput on Dante vs. USB
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2016, 01:32:41 PM »
Which program will you be using for the light show? I've done everything but the light show the way Wyndd has explained without issues.


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Re: DL32R multitrack recording: Data throughput on Dante vs. USB
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2016, 12:35:46 AM »
Thanks everyone for your replies.  I think I may not have been quite clear on what I'm trying to achieve here.  Please see attached diagram...


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Re: DL32R multitrack recording: Data throughput on Dante vs. USB
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2016, 12:38:27 AM »
Which program will you be using for the light show? I've done everything but the light show the way Wyndd has explained without issues.
Peebo: I'm using Show Buddy by Enttec, which accompanies their DMXIS controller.  I've heard Logic Pro X can also be used for light synchronization, but Show Buddy seems like it has a much more intuitive GUI. 


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Re: DL32R multitrack recording: Data throughput on Dante vs. USB
« Reply #5 on: May 19, 2016, 12:07:44 PM »
Sounds to me like you're on the right track.  I suspect the USB connection might be all you need for all the audio between the laptop and the mixer.  On the signal routing screen for a channel, you have a choice of the USB port or the XLR input as sources.  You should be able to use this as your backing track source.  The audio out should be kept as a possibility if the USB doesn't work, but I've seen times when your audio in and out need to be through the same source.  (At least with my DAW.)  So don't automatically go that route.  See if only the USB works.  The manual clearly suggests that as usable for this type of use. 

Throughput.  That is frequently an issue.  USB 2.x bursts to 480 MegaBitsSecond.  Firewire 400 was always enough for my recording device and external hard drive.  USB doesn't have quite the throughput of Firewire, but 2 devices handling bi-directional traffic of 16 channels adds up to 32 for a single device. Sounds like you will probably be OK.  Let us know how things go.


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Re: DL32R multitrack recording: Data throughput on Dante vs. USB
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2016, 02:35:59 AM »
Thanks Wynnd!  I'll let you know how it goes. 

Everyone's input has been helpful and is greatly appreciated!