Author Topic: Going Back to an Older Version of Master Fader  (Read 5491 times)


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Going Back to an Older Version of Master Fader
« on: March 22, 2013, 12:11:52 PM »
You can go back to an older version but it takes some planning on your part thanks to how
Apple does their DRM. First of all you need to be syncing with a Mac or PC not iCloud, so
that the computer has copies of the .ipa file which the app. Then you need to manually back
them up. Each .ipa file is unique to your Apple ID which is why you need to do this yourself.

Here are the basics:

iTunes 10
1)   Select “Apps” in the left pane.
2)   Select the “Apps” tab at the top of the main pane.
3)   Right click on the app you want to backup and select “Show in Explorer”. (or Finder on the Mac)
4)   Copy “Master Fader <version>.ipa” to a safe location.

iTunes 11
1)   Click on the “Library” Button in the upper right hand corner to show the Library view.
2)   Click on the dropdown in the upper left hand corner to select “Apps”.
3)   Right click on the app you want to backup and select “Show in Explorer”. (or Finder on the Mac)
4)   Copy “Master Fader <version>.ipa” to a safe location.

Just double click on the ipa file and it will add itself or replace the current file in iTunes.
When downgrading, you will have to delete the app from your device before resyncing.
You may also be required to recheck the application box so it syncs.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2013, 12:24:58 PM by RoadRanger »