I spent some time today playing with the 'verbs and found out something very interesting and non-obvious. I'm surprised the Mackie guys never told us?
Anyways turns out to select a 'verb you DON'T want to select one on the FX page
! If you do you are only selecting the kind of 'verb model but not loading proper settings for it so of course it'll sound like poo
What you have to do is recall one of the "Presets". That sets the kind of 'verb and loads a proper set of settings for it. I like "ShortPlate", "Sml Stage" and "Sml Room". I'll try some of the other models with the settings those use. The "Ambience" and "Small Room" models do sound a bit on the "undetailed" side to my ear but quite acceptable - hopefully some of the other models are more detailed
Update: I was using the "Lrg Room" preset yesterday outdoors and it really sounded great to me