Author Topic: 3D Xpoint will change the flash memory world in 2016  (Read 6383 times)


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Re: 3D Xpoint will change the flash memory world in 2016
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2015, 04:27:20 AM »
RR that's why you first find the App and then the platform. That will usually mean Windows if you're serious. Too bad the fruit-flies can't have a iMac (OSX) tablet it's not allowed.  :) Now that Apple is trying to get into corp. (Cisco & IBM deals)  that may have to happen.

Real world: If you're serious about production, you're using Macs. PCs aren't stable enough for anything except Avid. Avid gets around stability issues by not working properly with anything except their blessed system hardware, which is at least a year out-of-date.
As far as Mac tablets go, there's this, which as been around for a few years now:

You need to get out of your iCloud. Corporate WORLD has a much different view, do you think they're wrong. The Internet would be a disaster if Apple were part of it instead of Linux, BSD and yes Windows. That's the real world.

Well, I live in the broadcast production world. BTW, you do realize that MacOS is based on BSD, right? And HTML 4 and HTML 5 were both championed by Apple? Maybe you need to get your head out of whatever cloud you've been in.
Geren W. Mortensen, Jr.
Westminster, Maryland, USA


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Re: 3D Xpoint will change the flash memory world in 2016
« Reply #16 on: December 04, 2015, 05:37:58 PM »
Well that explains a lot. You believe in all those lies put out by your world. The Internet is the nemesis of BC and the W3C committee would get a chuckle out of "championed" HTML4 and 5. More like dragged their a.... would be a better description. I was there when the then maintainer of FreeBSD informed the community of his "can't refuse" offer from Apple and that he would pass on the job. That was around V4 time frame. The license for FreeBSD suited Jobs much better. Just take it and you don't have to give back. BSD was too tied up by Berkley.
When in doubt KISS


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Re: 3D Xpoint will change the flash memory world in 2016
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2015, 04:25:11 AM »
You could always take this fight outside, but really.  My Wife is a database developer for a National company everyone's heard of and She works off her MacBook when remote.  (Translation - At home.)  True her workplace computer is a Windows machine, but the MacBook plays nice with it.  This is a seriously GEEK household and the Mac vs Windows arguments just sound stupid to both of us.  (I was a PC/Network tech and CNA with Netware.  Remember Novell?)  I used to run a BeOS computer.  Talk about performance!!!!  It seriously kicked ASS.  (Compared with Windows on the same hardware.)