Hello there,
I've done a little research in the manual, online and in this forum, but not found an answer to my question, and without sounding too 'groupie', the experts ARE on this forum.
I've had a DL806 for a few years now for my 'Duo with Backing Tracks' and it works flawlessly with my iPad mini as docked and un-docked controller, using a bog standard wifi router.
We usually just mix onstage, largely from a preset show setting, but we have changed our PA speaker rig and I'd like to have a sound guy friend be able to make adjustments from out front as we soundcheck and play our next gig . Simple...just un dock the iPad mini and wander... yes, but I'd like to give him a full size iPad Air to wander with, which is easier to make adjustments on.
Does the ipad air have to be docked to the DL806 at some stage before it can be used wirelessly with the DL..?? Not a hard ask, except that I have the iPad mini bracket attached.
I have briefly tried linking, but could not get the iPad air to show as a wireless option on the DL806, despite having the same version (latest) of Master Fader installed. The iPad Air connects to the router fine.
Sorry if it sounds a bit lazy posting here, rather than unscrewing a few bracket screws, but a quick knowledgeable explanation would be appreciated.