I sent Mackie a help request but never heard back. Thought I would ask the same question here.
We have a DL1608 set up at our church for the youth band to use. Our church's Wi-Fi is completely locked down with limited access for visitors. When we set this board up we put a router directly into the board just for the purpose of controlling it with iPads. This works well. Except… We have many different users from different technical skill levels.
What sometimes happens is somebody will come in to use the soundboard and agree to the forced firmware update. Then another user will come in and their older version of software will not control the board with the new firmware. Since the Wi-Fi is locked down, that person is is out of luck.
This happened last week to us when there was a big youth event planned and they could never get the sound to work because nobody had the correct software. That was not the first time we have had this issue.
http://cacophony.aspinock.com/index.php?board=26.0Is there a way to password protect the DL 1608 from getting a firmware update? If so, will a newer software version still be able to control an older firmware version?
I have one of these personally and don’t have this problem because I keep my iPad updated all the time and plan to update the firmware before sound check if necessary. At the church with the youth this seems to be a near impossible task to manage.
What steps can we take to prevent being locked out with software firmware mismatch problems?