Okay, the day after the night before. FOH sound pretty good, the room was a bit of a nightmare reflecting all over the place but we managed. The issue was stage sound, awful. We have a Matrix FR12 (FRFR) cab through which all sound passes pointing at the audience to complement our pair of 15 inch PA speakers and a 10 inch Laney monitor on the floor. The Matrix sounds amazing but is very focussed, you stand slightly to one side and it’s like a low pass filter has been added, all you get is the bass part of the spectrum. The Laney wedge is deliberately trebly to cut through. Our sound guy was happy with the FOH sound (ish, vocal could have been higher but feedback threatened so he dropped all other channels but everything was then too quiet). The biggest issue was stage sound, it sounded terrible to us and we want to enjoy the gig too. One easy fix is monitor levels, I have this controlled separately through the DL and this needs sorting for each song, some we could barely hear, others were blowing us off the stage with high volume treble 😬. This I can fix. I’m thinking about using the matrix as an additional monitor so we get a rich sound that closely resembles that heard by our audience.