Author Topic: Using DL1608 as Master Mixer to Slaved Amps?  (Read 1825 times)


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Using DL1608 as Master Mixer to Slaved Amps?
« on: September 26, 2018, 02:02:00 PM »
Hey everyone, first post here!

So I've been using the DL1608 for a few years now, but have always used it in conjunction with my own PA. Last week we were at a bar that had a hopeless PA. It's one of those powered box mixers and I had a hard time getting a decent-sounding mix out of it. The venue doesn't really allow for us to bring our own PA because there's nowhere to set it up given their own permanent install, so I was thinking of just running the DL directly into the venue mixer's amp-ins.

My question is this - does the DL sum to mono if you use just one XLR out? I have all channels panned to centre, so nothing is operating strictly in the L or R of the main mix. In this situation, are both L & R carrying the same signal?

I was thinking of setting up a Show that used Aux 6 as my main out, but if I can accomplish the same thing from my usual Show preset and use one or the other XLR out to the amp in, that would help.