Steve: Since I didn't hear from you for some time I did dig into the WiFi chip further and as it turns out Realtek apparently designed a a/b/g/n version of an otherwise b/g/n chip series. The RTL8192DU is that chip and the spec sheets have mysteriously vanished from their site but it's real. I made the assumption that the chip series was only 2.4 GHz which all their other variants are. Most manufacturers would have given it another part number instead of a modifier, live and learn. It is however wise to use a more modern WiFi router. I am also surprised when I read it that they called it a Hot spot which it clearly is not, it's a AP. Unfortunately Apple only made the Airport Extreme 6th gen to /ac specs and 1GHZ Ethernet. iPad Air 2 on up, mini 4 on up and the Pro series all handle /ac.