I have the same mixer and when i got it, I went to sync via the built in WiFi. I was at home and when it started, it kicked me off the internal WiFi and my iPad switched over to my home WiFi. (Something that it took about 15 minutes for me to notice) I aborted, reconnected to the mixer's wifi and continued the firmware update. It has gotten easier being that I now run an external WiFi and that doesn't reboot with the mixer. You don't have that option yet. I've had to upgrade my MF 5.0 twice now with the required firmware update too. If this doesn't help you, you might have a bad mixer. Also, some of these mixers have wimpy WiFi and mine was one. If you're in a heavy 2.4 Ghz area, it might have problems staying connected. (Primary reason I went with an external dual band Airport Express that I've had for years.)