To answer the OP original issue this problem has been there since 2015.
I find the recordings to be very reliable, and understand the limitations. So for the most part have found work-arounds to insure all goes well.
There have been a couple large drives that have attempted to use that did not function, and one SSD drive also refused to be seen and formatted, but I get it. Hard disk recording wasn't ever a priority in my opinion - from the get-go everyone said that if I wanted to record with this board, I should just use a computer.
I don't WANT to use a computer - so I live with the limitations. It's still better than any other board I've used or owned in that regard, though another brand has a card you can add that seems to be doing very well for direct multi-track recording.
The time to get a recording started (or stopped) is absolutely not a certainty. Everything you said applies. Slow wifi, slow hard drive, board busy doing it's real job of mixing, and yes, the beer factor, can all affect how fast that starts and stops.
I'm good with it - so long as everyone understands that it could be 2 seconds or it could be 20... Yes, 20, when recording 22-24 tracks, I have had it take a LONG LONG time to start/stop.
Oh, you mentioned power loss during recording. That's happened, as has the old problem with my old board, where it just stops responding (lock up) and the recording lost. =(
Of the hundreds of recordings, it has happened half a dozen times.
all-in-all, I'm pretty happy. Could it be better? Sure, there's room for improvement but I feel there's other areas that most people would prefer energy were put into =)