My new Dell laptop with touch screen. Small, heavy for its size, considered a two way laptop/tablet. Reasonable amount of memory, slow processor and about two hours on battery. No back lit keyboard. When used as a tablet, you have to have a flat surface to put it on because the keyboard is still active. And it doesn't do 5Ghz Wifi. I got it cheap. When I bought my MacBook Pro in 2010, I was only interested in the Firewire 400 for my recording hardware. With that I got 10 hours of battery life, backlit keyboard, better screen than most laptops at that time, dual band Wifi capable, a read/write DVD/CD optical drive. (The optical drive is the only failure I've had.) I also was able to upgrade the memory and processor. I did the memory, but the fastest processor isn't much faster than I already have. I've upgraded the Hard Drive twice. Currently running a SS one. It's now fast enough to record 16 tracks to the SS drive. Previously I had to record to an external firewire drive.