Author Topic: Wing A ding ding  (Read 2879 times)


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Wing A ding ding
« on: November 19, 2019, 12:00:01 AM »
Behringers latest foray into mixer haven. 48 channels lots of routing till you get lost and most of the X32 features. All this for a mere $3500 and you best grab a bunch of stage boxes if you really want some results. No mention of control surfaces yet but I'm sure they are coming. Sweetwater is one of two vendors with prototypes, just wondering when the real thing is going to show up.
Here is Sweetwaters link.
Or Behringer's marketing blurp:|en)
The App is called the Wing Co-pilot, no details yet.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2019, 05:53:57 PM by WK154 »
When in doubt KISS