Author Topic: Recording not working with MF5 when program not in focus on DL1608  (Read 1756 times)


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Recording does not work on DL1608 with MF5 when program not in focus.  I play my backup tracks from within iTunes while I perform and record my show.  This recording is not working in MF5, as it only records when MF5 is showing, but not when iTunes is showing.  I really need this function - it is why I purchased the mixer in the first place!  Is there any way to do a factory reset on my mixer and start using MF4 again?  Is MF5 going to be fixed soon?


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Re: Recording not working with MF5 when program not in focus on DL1608
« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2020, 06:46:10 PM »
You can indeed go back, but you have to do a factory reset on the mixer.  Look at the MIXERs manual on how to do it on that mixer.  (Won’t be in the Master Fader Manual as that is app only instructions.)   You can download it from the Mackie website.