Author Topic: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0  (Read 7551 times)


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Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« on: May 01, 2020, 12:34:29 PM »
Hello, I am a complete nub here, not only to mixing, but to the Master Fader App as well. But, setting up an in ear monitor system at mu church was left up to me, so here I am. We have the DL16S. I have a dedicated iPad for the main mixing to be done, and every time I get close to the Mackie with it, it automatically connects. My phone also does the same thing. I also set up a couple of users. The first also had an iPad and his connected right up. The other, with an iPhone 8 had some trouble. Now, every time he wants to link to the Mackie, he has to erase the app, reload it, then re-link his WiFi to it, then it will work. only till he gets out of range of the Mackie, then he has to do it all over again. Any ideas on whats causing this? Perhaps a setting in his phone? Thanks for any help!


  • Dapper Dan
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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2020, 04:37:03 AM »
first, welcome to the forum.
Most likely, the devices that are finicky about staying connected, or even connecting at all probably have the password saved for the church's Wi-Fi internet. As soon as the Wi-Fi for the church's internet is "seen" the device connects.

The following info might help make the DL16S connect to it's Wi-Fi connection first instead of latching onto the church's Wi-Fi. For each device, go to settings, click on the church's Wi-Fi and then click the small blue "info" icon on the right and then choose "FORGET THIS NETWORK"

Try that and see if it helps, I have not had any experience with the "built-in" Wi-Fi router on the DL16S or DL32S so you may want to borrow someone's Wi-Fi router and see if it works better. If it does, buy a router for the DL16S and of course,... the router should NOT have an internet connection. The internet is for browsing and when we use the DL mixer wirelessly, we are not browsing and therefore we don't need an internet connection, just a Wi-Fi connection to the DL16S.

« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 05:48:30 AM by dpdan »


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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2020, 07:41:07 PM »
Welcome Nubee. To answer your many questions let me first state that your connection problem can be solved. What it has to do with a in-ear monitor system begs the question. A separate issue altogether and not addressed here. I'm assuming that you aren't too familiar with networking and so I will give you a general sense of what needs to happen for a solid connection for all the unknown devices that you brought into the picture such as the churches iPad and other unknown phones. I am also assuming that there are other networks in the facility most of which are connected to the Internet. To operate a reliable network with devices and the DL16S you need to remove your network as Dan pointed out from any Internet connection. You want what's known as a Intranet. Most client devices (iPad, phones) that are going to connect to your network unfortunately will seek other networks if you are out of range or lose connection thus causing your connection loss to the DL16S network. As Dan pointed out you then you need to reconnect the device again. No need to reload the app. Which brings me to the basics. The DL16S is our router in the network and the iPad and other phones are the clients in the default setup. The first thing that needs to be established is a connection between the router and the client no matter what devices are involved. It has nothing to do with the Master Fader app. Without a connection the MF app will not be able to communicate and reloading and restarting won't help. The process for this will vary with the type of device. This connection is the Achilles Heel of the system, more on that later. The reliable way to set up your DL16S network would be with fixed IP addresses but it would require someone with network knowledge and I won't go into this here. The other and more serious problem you will be faced with is all those parishioners with their cell phones on mute not Airplane mode. This is the Achilles Heel I was talking about. The inadequate WiFi chip in the DL16S won't be able to handle this issue. So the almost unanimous suggestion by users (even Mackie) is to use a external router with the 5GHz range and best with 802.11AX capability. The Netgear Nighthawk AX4 or equivalent come to mind. You would only want to use the 5GHz range for this. I hope all this is not to technical since it's only the tip of the iceberg.
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 07:43:48 PM by WK154 »
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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2020, 01:38:13 AM »
I guess JC doesn't need our help


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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2020, 05:14:19 PM »
The perils of technical forums, they get what they want and move on.  :(
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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2020, 06:15:28 AM »
at least we tried to help the guy out...  8)


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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2020, 05:08:37 PM »
Could be that he hasn't had time to get to the equipment with COVID-19 issues.
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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #7 on: May 04, 2020, 07:57:32 PM »
covid this
covid that 

If I hear... "we're all in this together" 
one more time,

I'm gonna puke
« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 08:04:04 PM by dpdan »


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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #8 on: May 04, 2020, 08:01:03 PM »
I just puked....

« Last Edit: May 04, 2020, 08:03:31 PM by dpdan »


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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #10 on: May 08, 2020, 02:45:01 PM »
Hey Guys!! So Sorry I haven't replied I didn't honestly figure anybody would respond. Thank You So much! You are of course absolutely correct, it was the problem with the church's WiFi. Apparently most phones want a WiFi connection that has internet service and they don't like ones that haven't got it. Dan! I have watched all your videos on the Master Fader app Multiple times, so many that I should know how to make this thing work, but I only get to work on it while I am at church and while everybody is there, so its kind of hard. But, enough crying about it. WK, I have noticed exactly what you said does happen (if I am understanding correctly) When they open the app, before making sure they are connected to the Mackie in settings first, it doesn't work. They have been able to erase the app, reload it it and it will then connect and work, but, its only because they check to make sure the phone is connected to the Mackie's WiFi first. The phone that had the trouble last week happen to check the WiFi first this week and everything worked flawlessly. I greatly appreciate the responses and again sorry for the delay.
Now, can you tell me how to make the left right channels two separate in ear monitor mixes? The DL16S has 6 Aux outs and a left and right 7 and 8. I really need to be able to use those as in ear monitor mixes, but the mixes to be different for each person. Admittedly we probably bought the wrong piece of equipment for what we am trying to do, but at this point its what I have to work with. Also, I cant seem to get any of the 4 FX channels reverb or delay to work. I know these are different subjects probably covered in different areas, so if you dont want to answer here I totally understand. Never the less, Thanks you so much! 


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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2020, 04:54:31 PM »
OK. For clarity when you say "erase" the app you mean delete the app from the phone and then reinstall it. This is totally unnecessary. It's simply a two step process of connecting the phone first to the Mackie or router and then running MF. As far as the monitor issue is concerned the short answer is a DL32S or DL32R (the church missed Dan's bargain). The long answer is that you need to manage with the 6 aux's. If it's just a matter of sharing the same aux's by two people a splitter will do. This is based on the assumption that all monitor mixes are via cable not wireless and go to headphones not stage monitors (a bad solution). Otherwise a compromise will have to do on the monitor mixes. The FX is usually caused by some fader setting (off) in the FX setup not set correctly.

P.S. All I know right now about you setup is that you have a DL16S, iPad (unknown version) and some phones also unknown. We also don't know what your trying to achieve in more detail. This is really not enough to give you detailed informed answers.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 05:57:53 PM by WK154 »
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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2020, 06:56:28 PM »
Hi JC, we are glad we got you going in the correct direction....

as WK said, you need to use the AUX outputs for in ear monitoring.... and the DL1608 can provide up to six musicians with separate mixes.
The Left/Right should (ideally) be used for the main sound system for the congregation sound.


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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #13 on: May 09, 2020, 03:58:37 AM »
I'm sorry, I really should have been more clear on what was going on. I am so appreciative that you guys are willing to help. For the Front of house, ( learned that from your video Dan) we have a brand new Midas 32 channel mixer. Its running two overhead JBL's and two Mackie  subs that are on the floor (which I dont think they should be, but what do I know) then there are two JBL floor monitors beside the pulpit and another four small musician monitors scattered around behind the vanity wall for the musicians. Also we have 5 amplifiers, one on each guitar, Main acoustic, rhythm acoustic, rhythm electric, and me, lead electric and bass. Yes I am the lead guitar player, so now you know what kind of moron your really dealing with here :) The band consists of Piano, keyboard, drums (electric) two AC guitars, two electric guitars and a bass. So, you can imagine the sound mans nightmare. And of course he has most of these people endlessly complaining about not being able to hear themselves. Plus the added problems with all these monitors  and especially amplifiers messing with the mix through the choir mics. So, I actually bought the Mackie DL16S out of my own pocket to try to set everyone up with in ear monitors. It seemed like the most bang for the amount of money I had to spend on it. How we ended up here was I had purchased the Mackie  and was trying to learn how to use it before I took it to the church. In the mean time, the antiquated and failing analog 32 channel mixer got struck by lightning. Insurance paid for the Midas board to be installed. And here we are. And before you say it, I cant ask the sound guy, he's a truck parts sales guy and is REALLY struggling to learn how to run the new digital midas board. If I were to ask him about this setup his head might explode.   


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Re: Devices not wanting to stay connected to MasterFader 5.0
« Reply #14 on: May 09, 2020, 04:12:57 AM »
This is a youtube video of last weeks service. You'll be able to tell what I am dealing with here as far as sound guys when you hear the mix.
I cant get it to past as a hyperlink for some reason. I forgot to mention. I am running everything through berhinger splitters  before they run into the midas stage boxes. That way I wouldnt be interfering with the mix they had other than our amps dropping out one by one as I get each person connected. Which is also probably the wrong way to do it.