This lets you send music from your wireless iPad/iPhone/iPod to the DL1608's iPad channel!
This DOES NOT require any jailbreaking. The docked device must be one that can play audio through the iPad channel such as any iPad or an iPod Touch 4th gen or above. Later iPhones should work too, probably any that supports iOS 6 or above.
First install this free app on the docked iDevice: install the demo version of this on your PC or Mac: this file: iExplorer put it here:
Under your iDevice:
"Apps", "Speakers", "Library", "Preferences"
There should be two other .plist files there.
With AirFoil running on the docked iDevice try sending it music from another iDevice or iTunes on your PC via AirPlay - you may have to use help or Google as to how to use AirPlay in the music app.