Robbo I truly can't wait to dump this pos board. But it still works great. Just no longer a fan of the company or the lack of development they are putting into updates. Although I did say pos board, I did state that pos was referring more to the company. Again please, please, please keep defending this board and company. I hope you keep it for years. One day you will realize it has serious limitations. But then, again, please keep it and be left in the shadows of the board around it.
Saying it has limitations is not bashing it. It's just informative to those who may want to know what limitations it has. The limitations of this board are also company based issues. There was not much forward thinking involved. There are basic things the dl will never be able to do that most competitors can. The dsp inside the board is not going to be able to handle the user requests that they are getting. If I developed a board, knowing how fast things evolve, and knowing people always want more, I would put a dsp chip in 10x bigger than needed. Or more. This way I would be able to add features to future proof the board.
If mackie was a forward thinking company then the 802 would not exist. What kind of conversations took place to come up with that idea? Pure friken genius. "Hey guys, how about we make a great new product by just taking what we already have and remove 8 inputs and 2 outputs! And let's reduce the price by only a little bit." I am so glad that this great company took such a huge leap How many people have asked mackie for a larger dl? Answer: a lot. On mackies own web site, and in the dls owner manual, they describe how to use two dls to get 24 channels. (That was stretching it mackie). Obviously they knew going into things people wanted a bigger board. So the genius development team decided a smaller board was the way to go.
Oh please, oh please, oh please behringer hurry up. I need that x32 rack. Everything I need and more is inside there. Mackie has taught me quickly what I really need, and you have everything I/we have been asking them for. Thank you so much for reading their forums. I am glad that almost every major issue people have with the dl, and almost every feature request that has been made, you have addressed. Way to go!