Hello Fellow DL'ers,
Been snooping around here for a while and reading posts. That got me to purchasing a DL1608. So far love the capabilities.
However I just recently upgraded to 1.43 and have experienced the same issues. Luckily I run a 1st Gen iPad docked in my DL and have an iPad mini setup wirelessly using an new version Airport Express.
Thankfully I was still able to access my DL using the mini and was able to tweak with no issues and make it through my gig without loosing too much sleep.
I also noticed that I was getting booted out of the Master Fader app on the docked 1st Gen iPad when I was trying to start a song in iTunes. I would escape Master fader, open iTunes, start a song, return to Master Fader and within a few seconds Master Fader would minimize (not close out). Of course the song didn't start and I was unable run any tunes. However I could start the iTunes and then access the iPad channel in Master Fader using my wireless iPad mini. Anyone experiencing that issue?
Unfortunately I have not tried to use my 1st Gen iPad wirelessly to see if the issue reared its ugly head.
Mackie Support mentioned that I should Delete the Master Fader App for the 1st Gen and then reinstall it. The only problem there is I will lose my pre-sets. Not sure I am ready for that.
Thanks for the forum guys and gals.