Transformers aren't needed, just make up some cables as follows, TRS to TRS with the ring (cold/-ve) left unconnected at the mixer end * and the tip and ring shorted at the headphone amp end (to send a single signal to both the left and right channels). These will supply a full line level signal to both sides of the stereo direct input for each headphone output and should (the concept works on my setup) be interference free.
If you're feeding a mono TS unbalanced input just fit a TS jack at the amp end.
* This works because the cold/-ve on the DL's aux outputs carries no signal. Counter-intuitive I know but it works, I tried leaving the ground unconnected but it didn't solve the noise issue.
The aux outputs are impedance balanced which means the cold is simply connected to earth by a resistor, this fulfils the need for both hot and cold to be the same impedance in a balanced system but gives a full signal between either the hot and cold or the hot and ground.