Author Topic: 820i recording  (Read 10894 times)


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820i recording
« on: March 10, 2014, 12:59:48 AM »
Hello folks, it looks tome like this place is as dead as Mackie's forums but I'll have a try. I want to talk about recording using my 820i firewire mixer. If there is anybody knowledgeable about the 820i please answer this so I can explain my query.  :)


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Re: 820i recording
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2014, 01:33:32 PM »
Hello again, I didn't mean to sound disrespectful on my original post, I hope nobody is offended. Here's what I need to know if possible.

I sing on a Karaoke Website and I want to record the songs to my PC DAW. I can do this easy enough but the backing track and vocals are one file. I need to make two files, one for the backing track and one for the vocals so they can be mastered separately before being put together for a CD. Can I make the 820i record the backing track to the DAW separately from the Mic input so I can have two files?
Thank you to anybody who can try to help me.