Look for both WiFi Networks. Select the 5Ghz one. (Mine is named NoInternetHere 5Gz) apply the correct password and never select the other network. It should always connect up to the correct WiFi because it's already got the password for it and has been connected in the past. Then you can also stop it from asking to connect to new networks, because its been connected up previously to the only one you want to use. That should make it work the way you want it to work. (Without regard to what kind of WiFi router you're using. Should work with any of them.) I went with an Airport Express because of familiarity with the product. I was a PC/Network tech and even though it's been more than 10 years since I was doing that, I'm pretty sure I could handle it without regard to manufacturer or OS. (Linux and Windows included.) And in desperation, I could always get my Son to help. (Neither of us has been able to help the other much in the last 10 years. He works for Digital Globe.)