The xr18 is something I'd be interested in but it needs to be cheaper in the UK and work as expected. Looks like a few have been sent back by owners due to problems software & hardware related, not encouraging for a potential buyer. Plus, iOS seems to be getting less priority than other versions of the control software which sucks for me.
All the flapping at the Behringer forum looks to have distracted a few of the regular posters here.
All quiet on the Mackie front, everything working as it should be! (For me anyway!)
I offer if nothing else other than opinion that a majority of issues with the XR18 is due to pilot error, based on my having monitored the new X-Air Forum category since its inception.
For the most part would it not be a fair statement to say that anything produced outside of the E.U. needs to be cheaper for you in the U.K. ?
The iOS app is apparently the weakest in the HW/SW link, resulting in the most to be desired for addressing.
Quiet here I would suggest due to a lot of thunder elsewhere in the industry and retail market, and in all fairness to Mackie, the relatively recent releases and response to issues from Woodinville.
I would be very interested in the numbers of units shipped, sold, and ultimately returned of all brands & models from the various manufacturers of this market segment, just to be real when discussing.
Regarding a lot of consumer goods, we generally pay £ to $ here in the UK. Not just from Behringer but from a range of manufacturers. I'm not sure of the exact proportions but it makes a "budget" brand rather expensive here.
If the XR was the equivalent of the U.S. price I would buy, warts and all, and take a chance. But it isn't, so I won't. Not yet anyway.
I'm not sure how much better Behringer service is here in the UK today, but previously in my experience, it sucked.
However it is over ten years at least since I had any dealings with them.
Pilot error will definitely be a factor but some of what I read seemed to be just hardware issues.
On this occasion I wasn't trying to be scientific, just making an observation that units had been returned.
As consumers, I doubt we'll ever get accurate figures regarding sales and returns.
Good luck to anyone who buys any new piece of equipment from any manufacturer.
I share a kinship with anyone who makes their living (or part of it) from the music business and depends on their equipment.
I wish success to everyone.