I do have some Behringer gear. In fact, I'm the only person I know that pronounces it correctly (The g is a hard g). But I'll take a look at my profile, and see if I can add enough information to throw off the contract killers.
I'm sure you've seen it by now, but here's a link. I'm seriously looking at this box as a replacement for the DL.
Michael, Uli Behringer pronounces his name "Beh-rin-jer" (soft "G"?).....
The X-Air is indeed vapourware while the DL1608 is a good sounding mixer with nice software and a reasonably good rep. Nothing is perfect and we can all find things we would like changed/improved but the DL, by any standards, is a good mixer and I love mine.
But.... Mackie don't do a DL2412 with faders...... That would have been a no-brainer for me but, when gigs needing more I/O and real faders started to come in I had to buy something that could cope, in my case that was a Behringer X32 Compact and it is a very nice desk. The app is less friendly than Master Fader but apart from that it does the job just fine. The mic preamps are at least as good as the DL and reverbs are nicer (the DL reverbs are fine on many live gigs but a little lacking for some applications) and obviously it has more I/O (22/14 including aux's). The DL3216 has more but no faders and still the mediocre reverbs, and it's more expensive than the Compact.
I do still love my DL1608 but it is up for sale as my next purchase will be an X32 Rack which will do everything the DL does and more and, more importantly, act as both stagebox and backup mixer for the Compact on my bigger gigs. OK the Rack is in a bigger box (probably twice the size of the DL) but I guess I'll have to put up with that as I can't justify keeping the DL as well as the Rack.