I have to say that I still absolutely love this tech after all this time. It’s so wonderful to be able to have access to such cool gear that I setup and run wirelessly with all my iDevices. And anywhere in the venue!! As I connect each device to the network, it joins flawlessly. So amazing indeed. I’m running with 2 iPads, the newer one is running MF 3.X wirelessly. I have the other iPad 2 playing audio tracks over AirPlay. So cool!
I am so lucky to have this tech available in this day and age. But in retrospect 10 years ago I was running a powered mixer and unpowered cabs, a 100 foot snake and thinking I was pretty lucky too, to be able to create good sound. I guess it’s all a matter of perspective. But these are great times even at any age. The convenience alone is worth the price of admission in my books. Even after all the whining and complaining I've done on this site, I consider myself very lucky indeed, to be able to use stuff like this no matter what brand it is.