G'day Bill.
As I've said, I'm not a drummer, but after having served 28+ years in the live music industry I've heard a LOT of different drum kits, both acoustic, and electronic.
Daz, the drummer I'm referring to, has had a massive history of gigs with me over the years.
He is one of those drummers who have a built in machine like sense of timing.
I don't know the model of his current electronic kit, but it is built by Roland, and cost him around $15000
Truly magnificent sounding drum and symbol samples. A sound engineers wet dream LOL
Anyway due to our personal history of hundreds of gigs together I'm perfectly happy to listen to his opinions, and feedback.
If he heard a noticeable delay in his ears when we tried to simplify his monitor patching using a direct AUX send from the DL then I'm 100% happy with his observations.
He heard it. I accept that. We went back to his "convoluted" analogue monitor system and he's all happy again.
ZERO mistakes on my part as has been suggested.
I would find it incredibly insulting that anyone who knows me, my impeccable history, and my 100% grasp/understanding of both my DL1608 (which I love for many reasons) and Master fader 3.
Way too simple and logical to make any kind of "screw up". In fact I view it simply as a digital representation of the many physical "faders and knobs" analogue mixers I've used over the decades.
And I actually used a set of my own earphones at last nights gig between soundcheck and gig time to try and hear for myself if there really is a noticeable "delay" between me hitting a drum, and what I hear in my ears.
The observation is Yes, there is. But from my perspective the delay is so minute I can't really imagine how it would make any difference.
Buy like I said, I'm not a drummer. Daz is, and a Very good one.!
If he can't live with the "latency" "delay" he hears between hitting the snare, and what he hears then who am I to argue.
It's there. Daz is a veteran drummer and has his job as a metronome slightly messed up by the latency.
All of us sound guys can argue all we like about whether the issue exist or not, and whether it's a negative for a proper musician or not.
Daz, and his band, pay me a lot of money every year (about 5 years so far. Not including 10's of past years in other bands) to do the very best job I can.
I'm happy to admit if I've made any mistakes.
But after "fault finding" any possible human error and finding none, I find it VERY insulting for anybody to point their finger at me and say I screwed up.
The latency/delay issue in this case lies 100% in the electronics pipeline.
At the end of the day Daz and I have gone back to the tried and proven method we've used for his monitoring requirements because for him the DL & MF3 don't deliver what he needs.
p.s. I know this topic is about "DL32R latency while recording" and my posts have been a bit off topic. But I needed to put my 2cents in regarding "latency" issues with Mackies DL products.