Hi guys
Hope you are all well, not been on here much since I bought my x air, it is a brilliant bit of kit, but like all modern products? , it seems to struggle with the apple airport express,
After witnessing dropouts on internal wi fi, I spent about six hours trying to get my laptop and pad to talk with the x, via the apple router, no luck, maybe because it only has one wired outlet?and in the end I did this, switched off the express and dragged a cheap and nasty router out of the cupboard and renamed it, and changed the settings on it to mimick those of my express, and instantly the units talked to each other in ethernet mode with two lan cables , , I then switched the x air to wi fi client mode, it still worked, then turned the lot off, and rebooted everything, old router went back in to storage and was replaced by exoress, no lan cables and there you go it worked perfect, not a technical fix and maybe not pertinent to Dl users but I thought I would share this crude method useful maybe to you in the future when all else fails.