Author Topic: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)  (Read 19859 times)


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Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:33:22 PM »
I hope someone here can help me with this. I just bought a new DL1608L, and have a new Ipad Air and new 2nd gen (latest version) Airport Express. I have made the connections first, as all prior posts have indicated, I am solid green on the AE, and connected on the iPad. I slide the pad into the mixer, turn on the mixer, wait about five minutes (excessive I know), but upon undocking the DL1608 indicates "disconnected" under the wireless section. I had read an old post indicating to go into the wifi settings and make sure to add the IP and mask, found in the DHCP tab, in the Static tab section. So I did that. Rebooted the router and the mixer, waited, still show "disconnected". I always thought Apple and Apple worked best. I'm not so sure now. Am I really wasting my time with this, and if so what is the best recommendation for a simple router setup to get me going wireless? I still have time to return the AE if I am not going to get it to work. Thanks for your guidance.


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2015, 03:29:43 AM »
Nothing wrong with the airport express.  I'm assuming you have a cat 5 network cable running from the mixer to the correct input on the Airport Express.  You need to make sure you're connected to the correct WiFi network with your ipad.  If you have that, and I've been using the 5 Ghz band, you should be able to see the wireless DL1608 connection in Master Fader.  I don't recall if the 5 Ghz is activated by default.  The AE will do both 2.4 and 5 Ghz at the same time and there are times when one is preferred to the other.  (2.4 has a longer reach, 5 is a very clear band.   We'll see how long that lasts.)  Don't suppose you live near Denver.  I'm better at working these issues out live than trying to recall the settings from the last time I saw them.  (About a year ago.)


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2015, 06:29:50 AM »
to add to the good advice already given,
go to the Apple App Store from your iPad and get (for free) the Airport Utility.
It is a wonderful app for setting up the Airport Express router.


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2015, 11:59:25 AM »
Thank you both. Yes, I have cat5 from my network connection to the WAN connection on my AE, and then cat5 from the AE LAN connection to the 1608. I've got Airport Utility on my iPad and can see the active connection from the Internet to the AE, shows excellent connection. But it still doesn't seem to recognize the 1608 when the iPad is undocked.


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2015, 12:02:10 PM »
Adding to my reply, I haven't checked the settings yet for 2.4 or 5ghz. Should I allow both or force to 5? And is there a specific channel inshouldnuse or leave that open ended? Thank you again.


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2015, 10:52:31 PM »
I would suggest not connecting the internet to the router.
Just use a single Cat 5 "ethernet" cable from the ethernet port that is closest to the USB port,
then connect the other end to the Mackie mixer. Super simple, NO internet.

I use both 2,4 and 5ghz, I let the router automatically choose the best, clearest, cleanest signal at each job,
I never even look to see what it is using,, honestly, I don't care because I trust it that much.

Hope this helps you  :)


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2015, 03:10:57 AM »
Thanks to all for the great advice. I found the problem, in a well hidden section of the Master Fader. I never thought to select the "i" (Info) icon on the wired section of the app. There I found a setting for static IP address. I changed it to dynamic, reset the mixer, and BAM! It connected wireless without issue. It's the little things...!
I appreciate everyone who responded, and am thrilled to now have my wireless setup working.


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2015, 06:48:23 AM »
fun times ahead  :)

Kev tyler

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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #8 on: May 20, 2015, 08:42:19 AM »
Hi guys

Hope you are all well, not been on here much since I bought my x air, it is a brilliant bit of kit, but like all modern products? , it seems to struggle with the apple airport express,

After witnessing dropouts on internal wi fi, I spent about six hours trying to get my laptop and pad to talk with the x, via the apple router,  no luck,  maybe because it only has one wired outlet?and in the end I did this, switched off the express  and dragged a cheap and nasty router out of the cupboard and renamed it, and changed the settings on it to mimick those of my express, and instantly the units talked to each other in ethernet mode with two lan cables , , I then switched the x air to  wi fi client mode, it still worked, then turned the lot off, and rebooted everything, old router went back in to  storage and was replaced by exoress, no lan cables and there you go it worked perfect, not a technical fix and maybe not pertinent to Dl users but I thought I would share this crude method useful maybe to you in the future when all else fails.




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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2015, 01:47:52 PM »
Pretty sure that if any other WiFi router works, than a working Airport Express of Extreme will work too.   Not to say you didn't have a bad one.  I had one die on me.  (within warranty.)

Kev tyler

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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #10 on: May 20, 2015, 03:23:06 PM »
Yes mate I k ow what you are saying, but I struggled for hours and the cheapo router worked instantly, however once them settings " stuck" in the x memory it  saw the exoress no problem, I don't think I have a duff unit, I just think the exoress has too many quirks, especially for a device that does not even work for the Internet without another box, there are a few users struggling with wi fi connection on the x forum, I think they are using the exoress, I think personally that's it a bit of an emperors new clothes product. Probably over priced for what it does



« Last Edit: May 20, 2015, 03:27:05 PM by Kev tyler »


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2016, 01:22:56 PM »
Thanks to all for the great advice. I found the problem, in a well hidden section of the Master Fader. I never thought to select the "i" (Info) icon on the wired section of the app. There I found a setting for static IP address. I changed it to dynamic, reset the mixer, and BAM! It connected wireless without issue. It's the little things...!
I appreciate everyone who responded, and am thrilled to now have my wireless setup working.

PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEE! Where I can find that ===WELL HIDDEN SECTION- of Master Fader?? I turned crazy searching that option  :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2016, 03:23:58 AM »
Yes mate I k ow what you are saying, but I struggled for hours and the cheapo router worked instantly, however once them settings " stuck" in the x memory it  saw the exoress no problem, I don't think I have a duff unit, I just think the exoress has too many quirks, especially for a device that does not even work for the Internet without another box, there are a few users struggling with wi fi connection on the x forum, I think they are using the exoress, I think personally that's it a bit of an emperors new clothes product. Probably over priced for what it does


I had a similar issue with the airport express and my Behringer X32.

I spent days tracking down a solution and finally found some threads saying that the the Airport Express sends out some sort of signal that the X32 doesn't like. The solution is to connect the airport express and the X32 via an ethernet switch. This works perfectly for me, though i hate having yet another device in the rack case.



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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2016, 10:09:28 AM »
Sorry Kev, I don't understand what you mead about the Express does connect to the internet without another box? Mine does!

I have no problems with my Apple Airport routers, I have 1 x Express (with the DL1608 for three years, no issues) and 2 x Extremes, main home router and X32 Compact. I have a gen 6 Extreme on the way for the home network and the second Extreme will live with the Rack.


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Re: Wireless Setup via Airport Express (2nd Gen)
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2016, 10:19:50 AM »
Pandita - Master Fader 4 has the IP address location on the Wireless device button on the Devices page.  (Where you would select Access Limits or Help) I'm just assuming that if there's an IP address, it will use it.  If you remove the IP address, it should ask the router to provide one.  (Assuming the router is set up to do that.)  On Master Fader 3, there is an EDIT button on the right side of the Wireless device select button.    I'm not currently looking at a docked ipad and that might work differently.  But that should be the place to start.  One more thing.  Airport Express takes a couple of minutes to fully boot when power is applied to it.  I never turn the mixer on right away.  (Busy setting up anyway.)  The WiFi router has to be fully up and running before you start trying to attach to it.  That way, if you have DHCP (dynamic host control protocol) turned on the Airport Express, it will be able to respond to your device's request for an address.  Hope this helps.