Author Topic: Compatible Amazon Fire tablets  (Read 3802 times)


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Compatible Amazon Fire tablets
« on: August 04, 2020, 04:00:30 PM »
In short... has anyone successfully used any Amazon Fire tablet (or other cheap Android tablet) with Master Fader 5.1(.1)?

My dilemma... I have a DL1608, which I love, but it I'm still running it with older iPads (2, 3, 4).  I would love to update it and take advantage of the new features/fixes of Master Fader 5.1.1, but I've invested a ton of money in this equipment, and if I do that I understand that I won't be able to use my iPads anymore, because 5.1.1 only works with iOS 11 or higher, but I can't update my iPads to 11.  The whole thing is ridiculous.
Btw, I use multiple iPads so each musician in my band can control their own Aux mix in rehearsal.  As much as I hate when companies force me to buy new hardware to support a software update, I'm willing to do this to use the new features of 5.1.1, but I have to be able to use cheap Android tablets, like the Amazon Fire. I'm not going to invest in a whole new set of iPads.

Any suggestions?



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Re: Compatible Amazon Fire tablets
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2020, 02:03:44 AM »
So first of all welcome here. You will get answers some of which may not be to your liking. First it would be helpful if you explained the MUST HAVE features of 5.1.1. and if you are supplying all the control surfaces and how many. Using the Amazon Fire 10 as a guide that would be around $140 per unit. Mackie is no help when asked about Android units they use for test. Great customer support. I posted what my experience was with Android tablets from $45 -$750. (search for Android here). I have not used Amazon Fire but I do believe it will run MF5.1..1. or you could ask Mackie.
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Re: Compatible Amazon Fire tablets
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2020, 12:29:03 PM »
Hi!  Thanks for your reply!  My main 2 reasons for wanting to upgrade to 5.x are the new effects engine, and Android support.  Plus, I generally like to stay up to date with updates/bug fixes when possible.  I am currently running multiple (used) iPad 2 units for rehearsal and gigs for controlling Aux buses.  Each musician gets to control their own mix.  This is one of the best features of modern digital mixers (especially the DL series), in my opinion.  As I understand it, if I update my DL1608 to the new firmware, I am then forced to update my iPad iOS versions, BUT, as I am sure you are aware, the problem is that the iPad 2 only supports a maximum of iOS version 9.3.5.  Master Fader 5.x requires iOS version 11 or greater.  I suppose if it's possible to update the DL1608 firmware but still use Master Fader 4 to control it, then it's not really an issue, but I don't think that's possible.  I could be wrong.  Feel free to correct me if this is the case.  It really kind of ticks me off that I can't take advantage of the newer updates without completely replacing all my iPads with newer versions.  I've been a software engineer for 30 years, so I understand the technical challenges that companies like Mackie and Apple face.  Anyway, that's a whole other conversation.  It is what it is.  I just figure, this time, instead of forking out the cash for a set of (newer) used iPads (I'd go with the iPad Mini 2 this time), I could get a bunch of cheap used Android tablets.  When I'm buying 5 or 6 tablets, it adds up.  I could sell all my iPads and get enough money to buy the Androids.  As of this writing, refurbished Fire HD 8 tablets are going for $54 on Amazon.  But of course, I'm not sure which ones will work and which ones won't.  In any case, I appreciate your input, and I will search again for the post you mentioned.  I actually tried that before writing my original post, but I did not find a good answer.  I could have missed it.  I also had tried emailing Mackie support, but they never replied.  What a surprise.


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Re: Compatible Amazon Fire tablets
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2020, 02:56:50 PM »
OK I now have a better idea of your problem. To get results on this forum with search you need to be on the main page. Here is my take on Android and MF5.1
As to the Fire tablets you need to go through a process to get Google play store loaded on the Fire (google for procedure depending on Fire version). Personally I would avoid Fire tablets. I don't know of anyone here that is using one. Mackie insists on having the same firmware loaded which makes your older iPads useless as you guessed. If I was faced with your problem of having to spend $500-$600 for a tablet upgrade or replace the mixer that works with my existing tablets and has better features as well I would pick the mixer (In fact I have and both XR18/MR18 or Ui24 would work in your case). Of course you could pass the cost of this onto the other members of the band.
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Re: Compatible Amazon Fire tablets
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2020, 03:23:01 PM »
The thought did cross my mind to just switch mixers to the XR18 or some other.  That would also give me multi-track recording, so I could get rid of my Presonus audio interfaces as well.  I like the idea of reducing rack space footprint and cabling.  I only resist that because I actually really like the Master Fader app and UI, and I'm used to it.  I may end up going that route eventually anyway, since it seems to me the Mackie mixers are getting a little dated and don't have quite as many features as others.  Well, I do appreciate the input.  I have some decisions to make.  Thanks!


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Re: Compatible Amazon Fire tablets
« Reply #5 on: August 19, 2020, 03:59:29 PM »
Being in the SW Industry as long as you have you should be used to the constant change including the UI. Not that its all good. Let us know what you decide. Always interested in reason for choices. Good luck.
When in doubt KISS