Author Topic: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3  (Read 3473 times)


  • Youngling
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Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« on: November 29, 2015, 10:58:11 PM »
I have a 1608 and I am using an ipad 3 for control

I find the master fader app quite slow when I am trying to do things with it.
For starters I play bass in my band so I am playing and modifying things as I play.
Trying to move around the app to sort out problems is a painfull
but even during a sound check when I am trying to get monitors sorted and FOH EQ sorted
I find the app slow to respond...sometimes I have to hit an icon twice to get it to do anything
trying to get rid of feedback in the monitors is a nightmare...

I also have an X32 compact in my studio and when I set the  behringer app up to remote control the x32 on the ipad it is so much more responsive than the master fader app.

Is this indicative of the dl1608 and masterfader or do I have a slow ipad?
would a new ipad solve the issue?
any help is appreciated



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Re: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2015, 11:18:54 PM »
Normal for an ipad3, go back to "classic" and all will be well. It's called progress!


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Re: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2015, 11:32:49 PM »
Since we don't have the whole picture it's hard to ascertain. The missing piece is the router. Both the X32 and the DL need  this to connect to the iPad. Are you using the same gear for both? Of course a faster iPad will improve the speed perception which clearly varies amid users.
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Re: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« Reply #3 on: November 30, 2015, 12:50:27 AM »
Hi Keggles,

I have an Ipad 3, Air, and Air 2.
For the DL1608 I find the 3 to be fine for mixing, though I am not playing at the same time.

Do you have a whole bunch of other apps loaded in memory?
How much free drive space do you have?
Try completely powering off your Ipad and when you re-start it only run the Master Fader app.

Please let us know how it goes.

Good health,  Weogo


  • Youngling
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Re: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2015, 06:27:40 AM »
just a bit more info
firstly thanks for the replies
but when i am playing live the IPAD is not using is docked
when i do use wifi it is the small apple one....never had any problems with it
I do not have any other apps running except the apple music player...which is usually paused when the band is playing
My ipad has 16mb of memory...not to sure how much is available


  • Knight
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Re: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2015, 10:52:36 AM »
In my experience it's only some things are slow on the ipad3. The parametric EQ was very slow but the last update improved that a lot, faders and most other mixer page functions are fine but sometimes changing a preset on the EQ or FX takes forever to the point where you think it's crashed. Changing screens can sometimes take a long time too. This is the same docked or undocked. I revert to classic for big shows.


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Re: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2015, 03:27:07 PM »
I have also started using a DL32r on stage  mixing the sound and also a bass player ..not easy having to break off bass lines to alter something mid thing i found while using a iPad air 2  with the DL some times during playing I tried to move sliders on channel settings. And found it to be slow or non responsive have had  to do it twice...
Once home all the settings work perfect. And came to me while playing your fingers got hot or sweat and just don't seem to make as good contact  as in normal conditions   just a thought.
Try setting up the DL in home conditions if it s good could be the answer..

Keyboard Magic

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Re: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2015, 04:26:10 PM »
I have also started using a DL32r on stage  mixing the sound and also a bass player ..not easy having to break off bass lines to alter something mid thing i found while using a iPad air 2  with the DL some times during playing I tried to move sliders on channel settings. And found it to be slow or non responsive have had  to do it twice...
Once home all the settings work perfect. And came to me while playing your fingers got hot or sweat and just don't seem to make as good contact  as in normal conditions   just a thought.
Try setting up the DL in home conditions if it s good could be the answer..

I've had the same experience when playing keys and trying to mix or DJ'ing dances with the 1608. iPad 2 docked or Air 2 wireless,  touch screens just didn't seem to respond to my touch especially when the humidity was higher or sweaty fingers like you mentioned.

Sometimes takes numerous attempts to get a fader or control to respond. Using a stylus seemed to cure the problems. But you can't always remember to grab the stylus when your under pressure to play and mix. And then it's "Damn touch screens, ugh!" "Gonna use the laptop to playback audio tracks next time!!!!!".

The delay is there with the older iPads and MF 3.X but not too bad now with the latest version of MF. Touch screen response in certain situations does add to the frustration. When conditions are normal, like dry fingers, etc. They seem to work okay. Go figure. This is one of those times when you want to drag out that analog backup mixer.  ;)
"The bad news is time flies. The good news're the pilot." ~ Michael Althsuler


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Re: Dl1608 and an Ipad 3
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2015, 12:33:50 AM »
I have an Air 2 w/128Gig, WiFi only, either un-docked, or "docked" via cable to a 1608. I go back-and-forth between MF 3.latest and OnSong 1.99.... all the time. Except for the resync, there's no lag. 4-5 others are logged in via either iPhones or iPads of various flavors to run their monitor mixes or touch up the house mix for me.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2015, 12:35:36 AM by gerenm63 »
Geren W. Mortensen, Jr.
Westminster, Maryland, USA