"Re: AUX channels issues
« Reply #15 on: Today at 05:00:43 AM »
Maybe ampli because you English is sh-t you don't know how to explain yourself. But based on what you actually said you are completely wrong or totally confused. Unless of course you left something out. As far as the aux channel goes there is no aux compressor and cannot be routed to an input channel. But if you meant use an external compressor connected to an aux and then to a channel then yes this is possible. But that is not what you actually said.
And here is an easier way to accomplish this. (This might also be what you meant too). You can just connect a cable from the aux out to an input. Mix 4 mics with the aux as a sub group. Then use the inputs channel compressor and send that to the mains. But this is still not what you said."
What he does will work perfectly :
Mix 4 vocals on an aux set to Pre (and not sending them to mains) ,use the Compressor on the Aux out ,return on a channel that is send to mains. He could also use the compressor on the return channel