RR - thanks again for saving the old forum knowledge base. The Mackie tech support folks should send a case of beer your way for saving them a lot of phone calls.
I forget what old thread it was in, but another tip that I havent seen here yet is that you need to power up the router at least 30 sec before the DL. Putting them on the same power strip and turning everything on and off together seems obvious, but doesnt work. This one caught me when I was getting started. There were a few other startup hiccups that I dont remember (mainly because they were quickly resolved with a forum search)
It might be helpful to have a sticky that is something like "common operating gotcha's and workarounds for the DL". This could include things like the router startup issue, avoiding driving unbalanced inputs with the DL if possible, the possibility of wireless dropouts during breaks as everyone checks cell phones, be very careful with channel compression, etc. I'd bet that most people using this new forum can come up with at least one non-obvious idiosyncrasy of the DL that took some time to figure out.
There was some helpful info on iPad RTA options that was scattered around a few threads. Also, IIRC there were a few threads where there was a difference of opinion on how a feature was supposed to work and BenO had to step in to set the record straight.