Oh dear. I really didn't need to hear that!
I have one of the UK's biggest Allen & Heath dealers 5 miles up the road.
This can only lead to a divorce or no summer holiday lol!
I did say nice things about Behringer gear but said I didn't need them as I'd just invested recently.
This is different...
This is why I have to keep working.
This is why I love working after all these years.
Maybe you've guessed by now that I'm a big fan of A&H.
One of my friends is the head tech at the dealership (Reasound.co.uk) and had been invited over to A&H last year to give input into the new "digital wizard".
From what he saw at that stage he said it would be a "good 'un" and he's used with the very best of gear.
Anyway, I'll calm down. This is the DL forum. It's a keeper too. Oh dear again