Author Topic: Access Limits Control Question  (Read 10526 times)


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Access Limits Control Question
« on: April 17, 2013, 02:43:26 PM »
Now that MyFader is here .. I am testing setting the access control for each connected device. I want to give each band member
access to their sub-mix but want to limit access to the LR mix.  From what I can tell .. the access control can only be set on each
device itself .. and not from the main ipad connected to the DL1608. Is this correct or should I be able to set each device access
from the main iPad?


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2013, 03:35:47 PM »
Yes, unfortunately access control os set on the device (which makes it pretty useless really). I can't see me setting passwords on my bandmates iPhones, if they trust me to play with their iPhones I should probably trust them not to mess with the FOH  :facepalm:


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2013, 03:57:23 PM »
Sam, the way I explained it to my bandmates, (and we'll see if this works out at the first gig I use all this new gear at) is that it isn't that I don't trust them with my equipment, but that the reason I am setting a password on their device that only I know is because I don't want them accidentally messing with the main mix. I do have one guy who subs for us on occasion (a rhythm guitarist) who is a talented mixer, and you know what? If he wants access to the mixer as well when he plays with us, I will give it to him. He knows a helluva lot more than I do about mixing.

However, when I explained the reason I will be locking them out of the majority of the mixer functions and ONLY giving them access to their monitor mix, they completely understood. Look, they don't want to be ANYWHERE NEAR the house mix or their fellow band member's monitor mixes. So what I told them had the virtue of being absolutely true. Because if someone thinks they are pushing faders for their own mix and ends up on the house mix, they could mess up a good mix or cause insane feedback. lol


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2013, 04:33:23 PM »
I don't understand why everyone is so worried about this.  Why would the people in the band want to screw up the main mix or the other monitor mixes?  Of course they would not want to do this.  If you are even semi articulate then you should be able to explain to everyone how the system works and why they should lock out everything but their own mix on their device.   Surely the people you are working with can understand why right?


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2013, 04:45:59 PM »
How about this issue. Set up myfader with restrictions, put in a password, done right? Close out the my fader app, restart, and restrictions and passwords are gone. I think RR made an observation similar to this. But he said uninstall and reinstall. You only need to exit the program and restart.


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2013, 04:49:55 PM »
JerryLee, I agree that is a potential problem, but only if you literally don't trust your band members and think they would purposely screw with you. This would, of course, beg the question why work with these people in the first place? You know what? I seriously doubt that anyone in your band who doesn't know how to mix would WANT TO stay as far away from the main channels mixes as well as the other monitor mixes, effects, compression, gating, and channel properties possible.


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2013, 04:53:50 PM »
EDIT: it seems to hold the setting but not sure for how long. I know I had it set and opened it about an hour+ later and it was all reset. But trying it now it actually locked everything back up upon restart. Maybe it will eventually time out.


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2013, 04:58:29 PM »
JerryLee, I agree that is a potential problem, but only if you literally don't trust your band members and think they would purposely screw with you. This would, of course, beg the question why work with these people in the first place? You know what? I seriously doubt that anyone in your band who doesn't know how to mix would WANT TO stay as far away from the main channels mixes as well as the other monitor mixes, effects, compression, gating, and channel properties possible.

I personally don't work anyone like this. But better safe than sorry for a lot if people out there. I'm not sure how many bands you have worked with in the past but there are tons of people out there who are constantly messing with their volumes. Guitarist especially who think they are not loud enough in the mix or cant hear themselves. They keep turning up their amps regardless of what they are told. Imagine giving them control of volume levels.


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2013, 05:01:26 PM »
JerryLee, I agree that is a potential problem, but only if you literally don't trust your band members and think they would purposely screw with you. This would, of course, beg the question why work with these people in the first place? You know what? I seriously doubt that anyone in your band who doesn't know how to mix would WANT TO stay as far away from the main channels mixes as well as the other monitor mixes, effects, compression, gating, and channel properties possible.

I personally don't work anyone like this. But better safe than sorry for a lot if people out there. I'm not sure how many bands you have worked with in the past but there are tons of people out there who are constantly messing with their volumes. Guitarist especially who think they are not loud enough in the mix or cant hear themselves. They keep turning up their amps regardless of what they are told. Imagine giving them control of volume levels.

Bloody lead guitarists, the worst of the lot........ now where did I put my Strat and Boogie MK4 (the loudest combo on the planet... goes up to 13 you know :lol:)


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2013, 05:11:40 PM »
I got caught out a few times when I first got the DL. I'd been setting aux levels, left to sing a song or whatever, came back and started moving faders for the FOH sound. Nothing seemed to be working. I even reset the iPad once and cursed it for not working. Then I realised I was still on the aux channel - doh!
Would like a different coloured background on Master Fader, not just on the selection drop down on the main fader - v1.5 please??
The older I get, the better I was!


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2013, 05:15:00 PM »
How many times has there been a guy in the band who has used these words: "can you turn me up"? And not referring to the monitors. There are always friends of band mates who, while at a gig, will tell someone "I can't hear you." Or someone in the crowd who thinks something should be different. They love to just walk up to a random band guy and say something. Usually that would get relayed back to me, but if there is an extra control surface laying around???


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2013, 05:16:33 PM »
How many times has there been a guy in the band who has used these words: "can you turn me up"? And not referring to the monitors. There are always friends of band mates who, while at a gig, will tell someone "I can't hear you." Or someone in the crowd who thinks something should be different. They love to just walk up to a random band guy and say something. Usually that would get relayed back to me, but if there is an extra control surface laying around???

Everybody in the audience thinks they can mix better than the sound guy  :'(


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2013, 06:26:20 PM »
How many times has there been a guy in the band who has used these words: "can you turn me up"? And not referring to the monitors. There are always friends of band mates who, while at a gig, will tell someone "I can't hear you." Or someone in the crowd who thinks something should be different. They love to just walk up to a random band guy and say something. Usually that would get relayed back to me, but if there is an extra control surface laying around???

Everybody in the audience thinks they can mix better than the sound guy  :'(

And at most bar gigs half those people in the audience are right!  Anyone in the audience can spend half the set at the bar getting another drink or out front smoking, sound guys aren't the only people capable of doing that.   ;)


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2013, 06:33:01 PM »
If several people in the audience think there is a problem with the mix, then perhaps there is.
Since the DL, it has been my experience that most of the people in the audience are praising how great the sound is.
Plug up one ear and make it mono!


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Re: Access Limits Control Question
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2013, 06:43:21 PM »
Only if they all think the same thing is wrong, not usually the case in my experience  ::)